13: Regrets or Revenge

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WARNING: Triggers ahead

3rd person pov:

Hawks trembles under Dabi's touch. As his shirt is lifted to expose his back. Dabi draws a magical symbol with his index finger covered in flames.. scorching the flesh as a brand..

"P...lease s... st...oooop! Ghah!"

Hawks cries into the bed. All awhile dabi is going through inner turmoil.

^So long as his love remains. I can't continue to be around him. With this, I hope he'll change to hate me.^

The dark magic calls out to dabi in the form of a black haired male with crusty lips.

"Now now, Don't lie to yourself. You know this is an act. You don't want his hate. You want that fay to see right threw you and except you for what you've become. Instead of coming clean though, you hide behind fear. This isn't an attempt to change him. You're hoping to give him enough magic to kill you so he won't find out that you're-"

"That's enough, now shut up."

Hawks crying stops as dabi pushes his face into the pillow by grabbing Hawks hair. Hawks thought the order to shut up was for him, but in actuality it was for  Dabi's master tenko of decay.

Deep in Dabi's heart he knew the monster called him out on his motives, but he was in denial and wanted to go along with the plan. Ten years of planning was just about to come to forwishing. All that was left was to break Hawks will to fight.

With every thrust Hawks only felt pleasure. For the only one to feel any pain was Dabi because of the spell dabi branded on Hawks. It was temporary, but dabi wanted Hawks to regain as many feathers as possible for what was next. Dabi moaned and groaned as if he enjoyed it. While Hawks lays quietly  crying and biting his lip to silence his sounds of pleasure. As climax, Dabi digs his nails into Hawks outer thighs to get a scream out. Only for silence instead. So dabi pulls out and pulls Hawks head up to look at him. Only to see a stream of blood coming from his mouth, and hawks eyes are rolled back with no response.

"Shit." * splack*

As Dabi sat up. His hand felt something warm and wet. So he looked down to see more blood coming from Hawks ass.

"Hawks, Hawks!"

Tenko:"That's too bad. You should've just given him to me like I asked. Now the magic is wasted."

Dabi picks Hawks up to carry him to the magic circle in his alchemic lab.

"What are you up to?"

"I'm going to save him."

"Why? It's not like he ever saved you, or have you forgotten that he abandoned you to die!?"

With a snap of his fingers. Dabi puts tenko in his bowl to shut him up. Dabi whispers as he heads up the stairs.

"__ ____ _____."

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