16: The Killer King

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3rd person pov:

Hawks walks deeper in the fog of memories.

"Touya! Hey are you there?!"

In the fog comes the sounds of a struggle. That's when hawks sees clearly what's happened. While out playing hide and seek with keigo in the past. Touya was captured by the king's royal guard. Knocked out with a chop to the neck. Touya was taken away shortly before keigo had came to find him. That's when the scenery changes to the castle.

^wait, this is his memories. So that means I'll be able to find out where his body is to give a proper burial.^

Hawks turns around to see a secret passage open under the stairs. Hawks follows after to be surprised by the surroundings.

^This is where dabi has me held captive, but how does he know- ggreenhouse!

A sharp pain rings in Hawks head as the sounds of screams calling out to him.

^i have to know what happened.^

Threw the pain, Hawks continues.

Seeing Touya chained to the bed and expiramented on.

"I've always wanted to see how a blessed human ticks. Now let me see what gift my foolish son has given you."

With a slice from his wing. Touya is being bisected. Just as the king grabs ahold of Touya's ribs to break them for access to his heart. Blue flames shoot out to protect Touya like a dragon.

"So it is true. That means keigo is stronger than me. Guards, go capture the rest of the humans that he blessed. They need to be killed by my hands before anymore breed."


The king shoves a rag into Touya's mouth before smirking. That's when the flames go after the king. Thinking of no other way to stop them. The king sends a feather in to stab Touya's heart. That's when the dragon turns back to burn the feather, but ends up settling Touya ablaze.

"Such a shame your own flames kill you. Oh well, time to finish off your family. So you won't be lonely on the other side."

As the king leaves. Darkness engulfs the room. As a voice calls out to Touya.

"Poor child. Left to die here alone. Tell me child. Would you like another chance at life?"

Touya's muffled and raspy voice trying to speak threw the rag are stopped when a loud boom comes from upstairs. Touya listens and hears keigo calling out to him, but passes by the hidden passes entrance. That's when the shadow speaks again.

"Would you like to know what's happening?"

Touya reaches up with what little chain allows him. So an image appears above him.

King: "So keigo, why have you come home so early?"

Keigo: "I wanna help you harvest from those weak little humans I've blessed."

Hawks: "Wait, that's not what I said!" ^What's going on here?^

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