3: Master Orders

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3rd person pov:

Hawks comes to a few hours later to find himself suspended in the air with legs together and arms out. As he lifts his head to see where he is. Bright blue eyes meet his from across the room.

"So you're finally awake. It would seen your magic resides in your wings."

As Hawks opens his mouth to speak. More feathers are taken from him.

"Uh- ghsh."

The man with blue eyes steps out of the shadows to be illuminated by the magic rings suspended Hawks. Hair raven black, three nose piercings in the shape of a triangle, outfit made of black fur of wolves, and a handmade staff in hand with a blue flame burning in a glass orb on top. He takes the staff and tilts Hawks chin up. Causing Hawks to glare down at him in rage.

"You're mine now, and I indend to put you to work. Now king, time to extract from you."

The rings feed magic from Hawks into the flame of his staff by burning feathers.

^shit..... at this rate I'll die. I gotta figure out something fast.^

It was then that Hawks had an idea. Forcing himself to speak threw the pain. Hawks says.

"Careful, if all of my feathers are gone. I'll be of no more use to you. Everyday my wings regenerate back. So it would be a waste to kill me at half power."

The draining stops as only tiny feathers remain.

"You have a point. Very well, I'll need much more if I am to complete my dream. So you'll serve me until then."

As Hawks relaxes. The rings tighten around his limbs and neck before dropping him to the floor.

"You are to be my servant until the day comes when I'll drain you dry."

The rings turn into shackle cufflinks and a collar to symbolize his place here.

"Those restraints will feed me a constant supply of your mana as you regain it. So get use to this feeling. You won't get anymore magic for yourself."

As the man walks away. A chain appears to be hooked to the collar. Pulling Hawks up to his feet and dragging him upstairs from the underground cellar. The house seems human designed and yet no humans have lived in the forest for over twenty years. The house was old and rundown. Yet had plenty of magic to sustain it.

"Clean this place while I'm away. That's your first order."

"If i refuse?"

"Don't push your luck fay. I need you alive, not talkative or mobile. "

Hawks gulps and searches for things to clean with. That's when a magic field is placed around the house to trap Hawks inside.

^well there goes that idea. I guess I'd better get started. At least until I can find a weapon to use.^

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