20: The Miracle Day

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3rd person pov:

Three months later:

While striken with grief. Hawks closes herself off from everyone else. Sitting beside the cocoon of the one she loves. In hopes that one day he'll emerge to hold his child. Days pass and hawks feels a sharp pain coming from where the child is.

"Oh no oh no oh!- ghsh."

The whince of pain is heard by mirako. So she busts in to check on them. Mirako listens for the child's heart beat and it's faint.

"How long has it been since you've eaten anything?"

W...wha- nnuh"

"Idiot. You need to keep your strength up. Especially since you carry the only halfling child to have ever made it this far."

"You're joking right?"

"No now eat something."

In her hands  is a plate of fruits, berries, vegetables, and rabbit stew on the side.

That's when hawks has a weird craving. Dipping strawberries in the salty stew. She can't get enough of it and eats her fill. Now that Hawks has been given the gift of children. Hawks has now become what she has always wanted to be. The mother tree helps all of her children to be who they are without pain or judgment. Letting her children love freely aswell.

With supervision from mirako. Hawks and her baby are taken care of until the fateful day.

As spring came in. So to was the new royal.


Mirako: "Breathe hun. Watch me okay? Hoohoo hee, hoohoo hee."

"Hoodoo h-AAAAAH!"

The sounds of hawks screams begins to reach within the cocoon.

*c..crack.... crackle*

After eight hours of laber. The sounds of a child's cries echo throughout the land. As mirako holds the child in her arms. Sloppy footsteps come up from behind her and cut the embilacocord. Mirako smirks.

"Took you long enough sleeping beauty."

She passes the bady back. With a gentle hold in his arms and a soft rocking motion. The baby stops crying and giggles while reaching up. The man smiles and cries tears of joy.

Hawks: "Where's my baby?"

The man hands the baby over and hawks starts to feed it.

"You know that's a beautiful baby girl we have here."

Hawks looks up and begins to cry. As the sight of an unscared touya with white hair smiles down and kisses hawks forehead. Whispering to her.

"You did good mama bird. Now let me handle the rest while you get some sleep. "

After feeding their baby. Touya supports hawks arms to cradle the little miracle that has white, blonde, and red tipped feathers. Ensuring both parents are supporting the princess.


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