19: Winter Wilting

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3rd person pov:

Iida feels the mother tree healing everyone that can be saved.

"What's happening?"

That's when everyone's magic starts to drain. So the mother tree gathers the fay near her and sends them outside of the barrier. Growing trees to rebuild the forrest. All awhile Hawks bursts into the castle is search of touya. In the basement is touya curled up in a ball. As the fungus decay still eats at him.

Tenko: "I won't be defeated that easily."

The mother tree gives Hawks a boost to help, but it's all she can manage to offer. Rebuilding the fay's home takes up the rest.

So with holden bright wings. Hawks puts his hands to cup Touya's face. Nose to nose and forehead to forehead, keigo starts flooding Touya's body with enough magic to finish tenko off for good. Attacking Touya's decay mark and restore his body to an unscared form. However the mother tree's magic wasn't enough. So Hawks starts to go through his own.

"Please stay with me. I'm not the only one that needs you now."

From cupping Touya's face, to grabbing his arms to put Touya's hands on Hawks stomach. Touya comes to.

"Keigo- ghuh- your wings. Keigo stop this'll kill you. Just let me go. My place is in the past."

"SHUT UP! You don't get to tell me what to do. I'll save who I want to sav-"

The last feather breaks away. So Touya grabs it and stabs keigo in the back with it. Sending his magic into keigo and form a magical circuit.

"You idiot. There won't be a child if you die. Now that I'm free from the darkness. I can rest easy, because I'll carry on with you both. MOTHER TREE PLEASE GRANT MY WISH! SAVE KEIGO!!"

"Touya please don't do this!"

The mother tree wraps around keigo like a flower pod. Trying to break it causes keigo to pass out from exostion. When hawks comes to. The forrest is in a deep winter hibernation, and Touya's body appears to be in a cocoon. All the fay are there with them at the root ball of the mother tree until winter is over.

(One chapter left see yall there❤)

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