Chapter One

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Chapter status- edited,

"Felicity get down here! Now!" Greta says to me. Greta is the woman who took me in after my parents died in a car crash. She and her husband Paul have never been nice to me I think the only reason they keep me around is to work around the house, I swear they are actually evil.

Sometimes I wish that I could run away from it all, but I can I have no where to go, or any family or friends to run to. I sigh loudly and I exit my little room and make my way down the creaky narrow steep stairs. I walk down the hall that was full with pictures of the grumpy couple with fake smiles plastered on there faces, you could almost see the hatred through there cold stares.

I open the door to the kitchen which links to the dinning room and living room. "You rang," I say sarcastically, it is my usual tone. "Yes Paul will be home from work in a little while, make dinner before he comes home." Greta demands not even realizing my time in voice, she must have gotten used to it over the years.

Greta is an ugly old hag, she is kinda pump and had light grey hair. Some of it is turning white and she has like a little mustache which is noticeable. Her lips never have smiled for real, they are always pursed and in a tight frown. Her hair in a messy bun and always wearing sweat pants and a t-shirt, she never leaves the house.

"Why can't you," I ask annoyed I hated working for them, I was like a slave, but slaves are illegal so they adopted me. "Because I took you in when we could have left you on the streets to fend for yourself, in my eyes you owe us and this is the least you could do." She says bitterly, and I glare at the back of her head as she reads a newspaper.

I know I can't win this argument because she will just make me anyway so I just make my way over to the fridge and pull out what ever I can find. I chop up a bunch of different vegetables and I make a salad in ten minutes, when Greta was turned around I spit in the salad.

Once Paul stomps through the door I put the salad on the table and give him a plate and fork and knife. "Go fetch the mail for me." He waves me off.

Nice to see you to, I think to myself, this is my life, it has been this way for almost 11 years. Fetch, they talk to me like I'm a dog, I was about to says something snarky back but remember this is Paul not Greta. I don't get away with stuff like that with Paul, he knows how to hit.

Paul is more buff then Greta and is big not fat, he is old but still fit which is annoying. He shaves his head so we don't notice his balding head, he likes to pretend he is younger then he is. Must be hard for him when he is married to the wicked witch, Greta.

I leave the Kitchen and walk to the front door. Our house wasn't really big but it wasn't small at the same time. Paul had a good job and they were set well but they have never needed a big house because it is only the three of us and my cat that I named Cat who lived here. Aren't I so original.

I love Cat he is the only one of them who actually cares cares about me, I have such a sad life. She is a grey cat and is super furry. Paul wanted to kill the cat but Greta actually stood with me and said how she had always wanted a cat which surprised me because she literally hates everyone and everything in a life time of evil (not really) at least she didn't add animal cruelty to the list.

I walk out the front door and down the front porch. We have a tan colored house will a small porch with a swing bench on it. I use it often because Greta and Paul never come out there and I use it for peace and quiet that I can't get with them always yelling and hitting me. They are abusive and I really hate them, I try not to get them mad because they really do hurt.

I walk down the driveway and ovoid cracks just for the sake of it, I really do have no life. I go to the mall box and grab the envelopes that were in there. Out of curiosity I look through them, good thing curiosity killed the cat is just a saying other wise I would have been long dead by now. There were taxes mostly but one catches my eye, it was for me.

I don't have any friends who would write to me, people think that I'm weird because weird things happen to me. People that make me mad usually end up falling on there face. No one would ever write to me and I've never gotten a letter before.

I haven't even explained who I am. My name is Felicity Pages, I turn eleven tomorrow. I have long brown hair that keeps getting darker as I grow up, I have bright blue eyes. I'm kinda short. I've very sarcastic if you haven't noticed already and people annoy me, like a lot.

I look at the letter and it had a symbol of four animals, a lion, snake, eagle and and a badger, it had the word Hogwarts under the animals. I wonder what that is, I have never seen anything like it, it looks strange.

I walk back into the house and back down the hall full of pictures to give the rest of the mail to Paul. I walk through the door and I put the Mail on the table right next to Paul's plate. I sit down across from him and start to open my letter, I was so excited to see my first piece of mail. I tare the side but then Paul's eyes shoot to me and he jumps across the table, (not literally)" he rips the letter out of my hands.

"Hey that is mine, give it back!" I exclaim and anger flew through me. He had an angry look on his face, and I shrunk back and he showed the Hogwarts thing to Greta. They both stared with a scary look on there face, even scarier then usual at me. Then Paul ran over to the fire that was going even though it was just the end of summer, and tossed the Letter in fire.

I watch sadly my only letter that I have ever got burn in the he fire place. I can't believe he just did that, it was like he knew what was in the letter, he had to, other wise he wouldn't have thrown it away. "Why would you do that!" I exclaim. "There is no reason for you to know what is in there." Greta says with a cold voice.

I sigh angrily and storm off to my room, curiosity was killing me I just want to know what was in that letter. I slam the door closed behind me because I know how much Greta hates when I do that. I lock my bedroom door behind me.

I sit down on my bed and lay there just waisting time till midnight, I walk over to my old lopsided bookshelf and pull a book off hoping it will keep my mind active. Clearly it wasn't working for me, I struggle to stay awake my eyes started to shut but I snapped out of my trance and open my eyes wide.

I look over at my digital clock on my bed side table my mind waking up a bit now that I realized what time it was. 11:59 one more minute till my birthday I think kinda depressed about it. 12:00. "happy birthday Felicity," I says quietly to myself, a cry ran down my face, I wanted people to celebrate with me.

Paul and Greta never celebrate my birthday. They don't care about me at all, they said they wish they were allowed to give me up for adoption but they said they weren't allowed and I have no idea what that meant, my life was just one big confusing mess.

I pulled out a cupcake that I had snuck bought when Greta forced me to get the groceries and I bought a cupcake for my birthday. Like I said, Greta never left the house nor did she work. I ate my red velvet cupcake and then hide it in my garbage can under some paper. If Greta and Paul found out I bought something for myself they might just kill me, Literally.

I give up on staying awake even with the new sugar from the cupcake and I lay my head down on my pillow and I was out like a light.

'Hello' I turn my head to see a black haired green eyed boy looking at me from behind a tree. 'Hi can you help me I think I'm lost' I ask him. 'I can't I have never been here before.' He says.

A twig snaps and I turn around and all I see is a freaky face I run towards the boy but a see through wall appears between us. 'Help!" I yell at him. "I can't I can't get through!' He Yells but his words muffled by the wall.

The face comes at me and runs right through me and I fall over and then everything went black and I felt extreme pain.

I wake up from my dream and I bolt up from the bed breathing heavily and crying. I have never had a dream like that before, it was weird and scary the weirdest part is I feel like I know that guy but who knows it was just a dream.


Hello muggles!

First chapter up and running I will update soon hope you liked. The story will get better I promise, I am editing as I go so I hope you like. Luv ya,

-Grangergal out-

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