Chapter seven

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"Have you have Harry Potter and Felicity are on the quidditch team, I always knew they would do well." Nearly-headless-Nick the ghost says.

"Seeker and chaser, but first years never make the house teams! Lucky!" Ron exclaims, "You guys must be the youngest quidditch player," "of the century." Fred and George but in.

"Nice job guys, Wood has just told us the news." George says. We all walk down the hallway and new the courtyard. "Fred and George are on the team, beaters." Ron says. "Our job is to make sure you guys don't get bloodied up to bad, can't make any promises of course, ruff game quidditch." George says. "But no one has died in year, people will disappear for a month or two but they will turn up eventually," Fred yells as we separate ways.

"Oh go on they were just joking," Ron says. "But what if we make a fool of our selfs." I say. "You won't make a fool of yourselfs," Hermione says coming out of nowhere. "It is in your blood," she says and pulls us along a corridor.

We come apon a trophy case. "Look," she says. She points to a shield and there were two names in graved into it. "James Potter and Sirius Black," Harry says. "But what about me, I don't have family who has played." I complain.

"Felicity, I have seen you play, you are amazing and you won't make a fool of yourself," Ron reassures me. "Thanks," I say softly

We walk down the hallway, "It is like she know more about you then you do." Ron says to Harry. "Who doesn't," he says.


We walk up the stairs trying to get to our common room. The staircase moves and I fall backward but Ron and Harry both grab one of my hands so I don't fall on my face. "What's happening?" Ron asks.

"The staircases change remember." Hermione says. It pulls up to a large dark brown wood door and we run over. "I wonder what's in here?" Harry asks.

He opens the door and we follow him in. A torch light automatically when we walk in reviling a dark passage way. "does anyone feel like we should not be here?" Ron ask. "We not allowed here it is the third floor it is forbidden!" Me and Hermione exclaim.

"Let's just leave," I say, when I turn around I see Ms. Norris, Fliche's cat. "Run," I yell and we go down the hallway. The torches light as we run by them then go out.

We reach a door at the end of the hallway and Ron tries desperately to get it open but it was locked. "Now we are done for!" He exclaims, "Move over," I say.

I grab my wand from out of my belt loop and point it at the door. "Alohomora," I say it it unlocks and we run through and close the door behind us.

"Alohomora?" Ron questions me. "Standard book of spells chapter seven," Hermione answers for me. I nod.

I put my ear up to the door and I here Filch. "Nobody's out here my love," he says and I fake puke and Hermione covers her mouth so she doesn't laugh.

I walk farther into the dark room and I keep an eye on the door. "FELICITY!" Harry yells and I look in front of me and I see a three headed dog standing on a trap door.

The dog wakes up and starts growling at us Hermione opens the door and she runs out with Ron in tow. Harry goes out and on my way out it lunges at me and with its claw it scratches my shoulder.

I run out the door and close it, I put my hand on the cut, it was bleeding and I would rap it when we got to the dorm. The teachers can't know we were in there.

They don't notice my arm, my hand was soaked in blood but I didn't tell them I wouldn't want them to worry.

We run back to the common room and we go to the girls side first, I wanted to get inside to rap my arm. "What the bloody hell was that thing doing in there!" Ron exclaims. "You don't use your eyes do you," Hermione says.

"No I was a bit caught up in the heads, if you didn't notice there were three!" He yells. "The dog was standing on a trap door." I say. "Well I'm going to bed incase you both come up with a better idea to get us killed or worse expelled!" Hermione say, but her words were to the boys not me.

She goes into the dorm and I was about to follow when Harry grabbed my shoulder, the hurt one. I yelp in pain and Harry looks at the blood in his hand.

"Are you ok?" He asks. I show him the cut on my shoulder and Ron looks at it to. "We need to take you to the nurse," Ron say. "No then they would no we we were on the third floor," I say. "I will rap it when I get in." I say and walk away.

I could feel there eyes on my as I went into my dorm.

"Hermione help!" I yell, I didn't want the guys to see me like this but I was ok with Hermione. "What's wrong she says getting up from her bed and turning on the light.

I show her my bloody hand and then her eyes go to my shoulder. "I have a first aid kit." She says and then went under her bed and pulled out a big box.

I carefully change into a tank top so she can get to my shoulder easier. She takes clothe and ducks in water and cleans my arm so it doesn't get infected. Then she raps my shoulder with this cloth like thing and ties it.

"That should stop the bleeding," she say. "Thank you, I don't know what I would do without you." I say. "You know I wasn't telling the truth I would much rather have you alive and out of this school then dead because we al least might be able to see each other that way." She say.

"Same to you." I say. "We should go to bed." I say laying down. "Goodnight Hermione." I say. "Goodnight Felicity." she say.


Authors note.

Or maybe you didn't notice there were three! Haha I love that part. I hope you liked this chapter. I don't have much to say I'm kinda on a auger crash right now so I'm slow at typing.

Comment any mistakes and whatever stuff like that. Blah, blah, blah, yada, yada,

-Grangergal out-

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