Chapter seventeen

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Chapter= edited

You know that moment when a light bulb just goes over your head. Thats what happened, it is what happened when I get an idea but my light bulb isn't the same. You can tell when I get an idea because it isn't just the simple I got an idea it is jump up from your bed, or in my case from class.

I was in my last class of the day, the worse one. Snape's class, I'm sitting next to Harry with my head in my hands. Snape was giving a lecture on how terrible of a student I was and I was just ignoring him, like usual, I didn't know why he hates me so much, at first I thought it was because I was a Griffendor but then I realize he doesn't it a lot more to me.

He was talking about how I didn't pay attention and I was a horrible student, that's when it hit me. My eyes got wider and suddenly I was wide awake. I look over at the clock there was less then a minute left in class and I really didn't care.

Harry taps my shoulder and nudges me and I mouth after class because he knew that I had just figured something out. "And there for, Felicity is incompetent and useless," Snape says. "Thanks for that assessment professor, but class is over and you next class is waiting outside even though I just would love to hear more about my incompetence." I says and walk out of the class even though there wasn't another class waiting, I drag Harry, Ron, and Hermione with me.

I'm used to Snape picking on me, I don't know why. "What is going on Felicity?" Ron asks.

"I've had a break through," I exclaim, "what is it," Hermione asks me, "I was thinking and how many people walk around with dragon eggs in there pocket. I think it was Snape who had the egg and I think he asked Hagrid about Fluffy." I says. "Come on we need to get to Hagrid's," Harry says.

We walk down the steps and Hagrid was outside his hut playing some music. "Hagrid who gave you that dragon egg," I ask. "I don't know he was cloaked, I didn't see his face." Hagrid says.

"Was he interested in Fluffy?" Hermione asks him frantically. "Of course how often do you come across a three headed dog. But I said the secret to owning a beast is know how to calm it down. Take fluffy for example all you have to do is play him some music and he falls right to sleep." Hagrid says and then his face became a O shape.

I look over at Harry and Ron and Hermione we all stare at each other and then we all run off back toward the school. "This is awful now Snape knows how to get past Fluffy." Ron says. "We need to go down there," Harry says. "Tonight." I finish.

"I hate Snape you know that," I says. "It is ok Felicity we only have to get there before him," Hermione says. "I'm not talking about that, class was so annoying I don't even know why he hates me so much. Seriously I'm a very likable person," I say and they laugh. "What I am a likable person," I say.

"Don't worry we like you who cares what some stupid teacher says," Ron says. Harry nods. "But he isn't some stupid teacher he is after the sorcerer stone. I think he is getting that stone for someone else." I says. "You mean like Voldemort?" Hermione says. "Exactly," me and Harry says at the same time.


I look over at the cloak and it clicks to 12:00 I crawl out of bed and go over to Hermione's bed. I shake her awake, "It is show time, get up," I say. She pulls herself up and groans, and fall back into the bed.

"Come on we are suppose to be meeting Ron and Harry. Now!" I exclaim really loudly. She bolted up from her bed and we hit our foreheads together making me fall back wards and I hold my head.

"Why didn't you says that earlier!" She exclaims, "I don't know I was busy trying to get you up, what is you head made of bricks!" I exclaim. "Shhhh, be quiet, and get dressed," she says.

I looked down to see I was wearing a white tank top and Splatter paint fuzzy shorts. "I'll just go in this," I say. Hermione raise her eyebrow but I put on socks and go barefoot other then that.

I grab my wand and hold it tightly in my hand, I see Hermione do the same and we walk over to the boys side off the hall and knock on the door. The two boys come out of the door and like jumped five feet in the air when they saw us, must not have heard us knock.

"Shhh," Hermione whispers. They close there mouths and we all slowly tip toe down the stairs, freezing when ever a stair creaked. It reminded me of the night I was sneaking to get food, that really made me nervous thinking about it.

But I can be sure Paul isn't down here this time, I don't have to worry about him ever again. When we get down to the bottom of the stairs, it is dark but I can still make everything out which was good so we wouldn't have to turn on lights and risk waking people up. I ovoid things on the floor and I was in front of every one.

We hear a frog croak and we look to see Trevor on the side of the chair. "Shhh, Trevor you should be here!" Ron exclaims quietly. "Nether should you," Neville says. The chair turns around it it looks like a scene from a horror movie and he was the bad guy with a cat on his lap that he was stroking but he wasn't stroking a cat so yeah.

"You sneaking out again," Neville says, "I won't let you, y-you will get Griffendoor in trouble again, I-I'll fight you." He stuttered holding our hands up.

Me and Hermione had a little twin moment, even though we aren't twin not do we look like them we act like them. "Petrificus Totalus," me and Hermione say at the same time. "You both are brilliant! Scary, but brilliant." Ron says. We laugh quietly at him.

"What is the plan for the music," Hermione asks. "When we went in there last time I saw a harp in the corner that Felicity could use," Harry says, "I'll try, but I don't know how well I can do, actually I know a music spell I can use instead," I say. I remember one of the days in charms class, I saw the spell in Professor Flickwick's notebook.

They nod, we walk up the stairs and we go into the hallway on the third floor. "Ready," Hardy asks and we all nod. "Alohamora," I say and it pops open only to hear the sound of a harp already going with out me doing it.


Authors note.

Ok not a lot left in this story now I'm excited, I hope you liked the chapter and I think there is only a couple chapters left. Should be done at least tomorrow. Comment, vote, or whatever, luv ya

-Grangergal out-

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