Chapter ten

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So ever since Harry and Ron saved us from the troll we have been really good friends. Even Hermione and Ron have been getting along, we basically do everything together. After a couple days my hand has almost completely healed.

I nervous because I'm wondering how my hand with hold up when I have quidditch. I have my first game today and I'm feeling completely nervous, I'm definitely not hungry.

"Come on guys you have got to eat." Ron says to me and Harry, "all you ever care about is eating!" Hermione exclaims. "But they have a big quidditch match they need to eat," Ron says using us as his excuse to eat.

"Wow, I feel used," I say. "What I have no idea what your talking about," Ron says. "Felicity is right Ron, you are using your best friends to get to food," Harry say and fakes a hurt face.

"I can't believe I'm saying this but, Ron's right, you need to eat for the game today." Hermione says, "D-did you just agree with me," Ron exclaims. "Oh shut up," she says.

"Good luck Potter and Pages." Snape says making Ron jump, "I'm sure a quidditch game will be no problem since you just took on a troll, even if it is against Sytherin." He says in his scary bland voice.

Me and Harry stay silent, I don't trust Snape and he would never wish us good luck. He limps away, I look down to see him limping using more him right leg then his left.

"So that explains the blood," Harry says. "Blood, what bloody?" Hermione asks, I wait for Harry to answer. "Ok, listen, I'm think that Snape let that troll in as a diversion so he could go over to the three headed dog but he got himself bitten, that's why he is limping." Harry explains.

"But why would anyone go near that dog?" Ron asks. "The day I went to Grinngots Hagrid took something out of the vault." He says. "That's what Dumbledoor asked about when I went there with him, when I asked him what it was he said Hogwarts business very secret." I say.

"So that's-" "what the dog is guarding, the thing that was in the vault and now Snape is trying to steal it." Harry cut off Hermione.

We hear and owl hoot and I see two owls holding large things in them. "Isn't it a bit to early for mail," Ron says.

The owls drop the two large packages in front of me and Harry, "go on let's open it." Hermione says.

Hermione helps me unwrap mine and Ron helps Harry. When we finally unwrap all of it my eyes wides in amazement.

It was a long golden broomstick, the broom was silky smooth and no jagged edges. The bottom had perfect sticks that reminds me off the exact opposite of split ends.

Harry had the same broom as mine, "it is a broomstick," he says. "That's not just any broomstick Harry, it is a nimbus 2000!" Ron exclaims. "But who sent it," Hermione asks.

"I don't know there is no note or tag to tell." I say. I look around them to the teachers desk, I see two owls sitting between Dumbledoor and McGonagall. They both pet the Owls and I know it was from them, Dumbledoor winks at me.


Me and Harry were under the stands getting ready to fly out. It was narrow in there and I was standing between Harry and Wood, Fred George and Angelina are behind us.

"You guys nervous," Wood asks us. "kinda," I emit. "How did your first game go," Harry asks him. We both look over at him who seemed to be thinking about it.

"I don't really remember, I took a bludger to the head two minutes in and I woke up a week later in the hospital," he says says like it was nothing.

Harry gulps and my lump in my stomach becomes bigger. At least I know Ron and Hermione will be in the stands cheering us one.

The door opens and we hop on our brooms and fly out there doing little tricks. I fly above Hermione and Ron and give Ron a high five.

I get in my position right near where that ball was going to be set up. The Sytherin team captain glares at me and I glare back even though he was obviously older he didn't scare me.

The flying professor was the ref and she stood on the ground near the box of balls. "Now I want a nice clean game, from all of you!" She yells but it was directed at Sytherin.

Lee a guy with a high pitched voice with and Afro talks into the microphone about the game, he would be the one keeping score.

The snitch is released but we have to wait for the quaffle to start playing. Professor lets the bludgers out and non come at me which in thankful for.

"Let the game began!" She yells throwing the quaffle in the air. I use my first instinct, I go straight for the ball and so does everyone else.

I grab it and ride up away from people, I go toward the other teams hoops. My method is to just be faster then the others. I jump over the team captain and land back on my broom.

I go as fast as I can toward one hoop, now it is just me and the keeper. I throw the ball as hard as I can at a hoop and the keeper just barley misses. It goes in, the crowd goes wild.

"Ten points to GRIFFENDOOR!" Lee yells, "And let me say, Felicity looked mighty fine doing it," He say and I blush. McGonagall hits him on the head and Some people laugh.

I high five George on the way back, I hear Hagrid yell from the stands and Griffendoors section go wild.

The Sytherin captain gets the quaffle and dodges everyone and when he tries to hit it into one of the hoops wood blocks it and passes it to Angelina. She passes it to me and I dodge a bludger and throw it back.

She goes for a hoop and it goes in, God this Keeper is bad. "Another ten points to Griffendoor," Lee exclaims. A chaser on the Sytherin try's shooting but Wood blocked it again.

The captain goes up to one of the beaters and takes the bat from him. He hits a bludger and it hits Wood it the head, he falls of his broom and lands on the ground.

The Captain smirks and gets a hoop, I grab the quaffle and then the captain comes straight for me. He is one my left side I body check him and he goes flying off his broom and hits against the stand.

He looks up at me in shock, I may be little but I am strong, I smirk at him and inmate his smirk from when his hit Wood. He glares at me.

I get another hoop they look over at Harry to see if he had any luck but his broom was moving uncontrollably. Harry struggles to hold on and I look over at the teachers stands to see Snape muttering something and staring right at Harry and I knew he was doing it.

I fly over to Hermione and she meets me at the bottom of the stairs. "It Snape he is doing it, I'll give you a ride then you need to stop him with out him know." I say.

Before she can say anything I grab her hand and pull her on, we stay on the outside of the stands so no one sees us. I drop her off at the teacher tower. "Hurry!" I exclaim and she runs.

I go back onto the field and see Harry hanging by his hands, Hermione better hurry. I go over to the other teams seeker and push him, he loses focus and can't find the snitch.

I hear them get another point then I look over at the teachers tower to see them all in a panic. Harry gets back on his broom then races off, he must have seen the snitch.

Harry flys close to the ground and stands up on his broom with amazing balance if I may add, but then he trips and falls onto the ground.

He stands up and he looked like he was about to vomit. He spits the Snitch out onto his hand. "Harry Potter has caught the snitch, 150 to GRIFFENDOOR!" Lee exclaims.

I fly down to Harry and hug him, "how did you stop my broom from jinxing?" He asks. "Me and Hermione have our ways." I say we laugh.

We won our first quidditch game. Fred and George high five bats and I laugh.


Authors note.

I hope you liked, I didn't do an authors note last chapter so I just was checking in. So how you doing, you don't have to answer I'm just bored. Well I hope you liked the quidditch game.


-Grangergal out-

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