Chapter four

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You know that moment when you have no idea what's going to happen. How the unknown is more scary then the know.

That's me right know, I don't know what will happen next when the my name gets called. But sometimes the unknown is good if you know something bad will happen it would be best just to live your life in till then unknown.

I know this seems like a stupid thing to talk about, getting placed into my house. I can emit I'm nervous, Ron talk about house Sytherin signified the dark house.

In his words, there isn't a witch or wizard who went bad who wasn't in Sytherin. I don't want to be a bad Witch, I want to do great, good things. I wish I could just decide for the hat.

Right now Professor McGonagall is talking about something I'm not listening but I bet it is about getting sorted. We get towed toward two big door and when they open it is amazing.

It was a huge room with four tables one four each house. There are candles that float above us lighting the room. The ceiling is beautiful, it looks like the night sky but with my eyes I can see the faint out line of the ceiling and I know it isn't real.

All the first years crowns around the front. there is a little step up then a long table just for the teachers, in front of the teachers in a stool with a hat on it.

The only reason Ron knows so much about this school is because he has 5 older brothers 3 are still in this school. I stand next to Harry and Ron and McGonagall is in front of us.

"When I call you name you are to come up here and I will place the hat on your head and it will sort you into your house. Hermione Granger." McGonagall says loudly so we can all hear.

Hermione looks just about as nervous as I am. She slowly goes up and sits down on the stool. "Griffendoor!" The hat yells loudly. A grin brakes on Hermione's face and she runs of to join her the Griffindoor's.

"Ronald Weasley," she says. I guess everyone is nervous for this cause everyone who goes up looks like there about to vomit. "Ah, and other Weasley, I know just what to do to you, Griffendoor." It says.

"Draco Malfoy," a blond kid with a smirk on his face walks up a confident. I know he is scared because I can read people like a book, I can find the truth in them. Before the hat even touched his head it yells Sytherin.

"Felicity Pages," oh god that's me, I don't want to go I just need to pray for the best. "Ah, I remember your parent brave people, but they can only take you so far. Ah you got there courage and I know you will do great things. I have you go with, GRIFFENDOOR!" It says.

I feel so happy I jump off the stool and go sit next to Hermione. I was wanting to be in this house, Ron sits across from Hermione and then as I walked over here Harry was going.

"Better be Griffendoor!" It says to Harry. Harry sits across from me and next to Ron. "Hey I don't know if you remember me but I met you on the train I'm Felicity," I say to Hermione. "I remember, I think we are going to be good friends," She says.

"I think so to." I say. We smile at each other then I look back up to the front to see that everyone has already been sorted. "Let the feast begin," Dumbledoor says.

When he raises his had food comes onto the empty plates. Ron was scarfing down anything he could reach like a pig it was quite amusing. I'm not used to being allowed to eat more then a bit a day and never any desserts.

I eat some chocolate pudding and I see Hermione doing the same. I met a bunch of people like Fred and George and Percy, Ron's brothers. Seamus and Dean and Neville who found his toad Trevor. Neville seemed nice but the kid of nice that would get him bullied.

Once everyone had finished eating Percy our head of house, led us to a bunch of stairs. I look up from over the balcony to see the Stairs moving and changing. "This is the main way up the the dormitories, and be carful the staircases like to move." Percy said to all of us.

We walk up the stairs and I stick close to Harry because I was getting lost in the crowd. "Look at the picture," Seamus said pointing.

I look over and all the picture were moving and talking to us. The people inside were like alive, I look at a knight who was fighting off nothing. He was just waving his sword it different directions and not well if I may add.

We reach a fat old lady in a long dress. "Password." She said in her old timey voice. "Caput Gerconis," Percy says to it and the portrait open up leaving a small, narrow Hallway.

We all walk through in amazement I look around. There were ghosts just hanging out and walking through people. We came into a big cozy room with a nice big fire place and coach in front of it. There were tables all in the room probably for homework or just hanging out.

"This is the common room, boy dormitories are upstair to your left, girls the same to you right." Percy said giving us a brief tour.


"So we are sharing a room, your fine with that right." Hermione asks me. "I would love to," I say. "Quite funny how a while ago I didn't know I could do magic, and now I'm at a school for witchcraft and wizardry." I say.

"So I heard that the potions professor is really tough. Would you like to study with me, I know that sounds really geeky but?" I ask. "Actually I would love to I want to learn the most I can before we go there. I saw him during dinner he looked really scary." Hermione said. "Brilliant," I say.


"Well I'm going to go to bed, goodnight Felicity." She says. "Night," I say.

I walk over to my bed and lay down, I pull a book out of a bookshelf next to my bed and read it till I feel tired.


Authors note.

I hope you liked the chapter even though it was short, I just need to mention the sorting part cause that is kinda important, no dip me. Anyway continue reading.

-Grangergal out-

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