Chapter eight

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So there are those moments when you see something amazing and all you can think about is heaven is overrated. I guess that is how it could be said for Harry but not for me, I would say I was in heaven.

We (me Harry and Wood) stand on the quidditch field looking around in amaze. There was perfectly green grass colored like the forest, it was freshly mowed.

There was three hoops on ether sides of the field and they were colored like gold. There are bleachers all around the field and there are towers around for teachers. There are four different sections of stands for each house.

I look in every direction and I see Harry with his mouth open. I smile at him, this is what I ment when I said that Harry would think heaven is overrated.

I don't look at a field like I want to marry it, I just think it is amazing. "Wow," Harry says, I knew that was coming.

"Yeah," I say.

Wood ruins the moment by grunting out from the weight of whatever was in his box. "What's that?" Harry asks taking the words out of my mouth.

"These are the balls to use in quidditch," he answers and opens the box.

There is one big ball that has little indents in it to help grip. There are two smaller balls that were tied down to the box and it fidgeting like it was alive. They shake the entire box and looked like they would come out.

"Ok, what you need to know about quidditch is there are six players, one keeper, me I defend one sides hoops, our hoops. There is also two beaters, here take this." He says handing Harry a bat.

He lets go of one of the ties and the shaking ball went flying in the air and out of sight. "Those are called bluggers." Wood says. "Careful now it is coming back," he says.

I see the ball come flying back at me. Harry jumps in front and hits it with the bat. I run to the shed and grab a broomstick, I wanted to fly around well the little boys played baseball.

I hop on the broom then out flying onto the field, I would rather not get hit by a bludger so I steer clear of Harry and Wood.

Out of the corner of my eye I can see Wood catch the bludger not so gracefully if I might add, but the budge goes flying out of his arms and straight at me.

I fly as fast as I can away from it but it just keeps coming, I make a sharp turn and it follows me. "WOOD, WHAT IS HAPPENING!" I yell. "Someone had tampered with it," He yells back.

"HARRY TOSS ME MY WAND," I try to be loud enough so he can hear me as I fly around. He holds it in the air and I fly above him and try to reach it but miss.

Dumbledoor said that I can't let anyone know I can do magic with my hands without a wand, he said it was uncommon. He also said that I can't let anyone I can apperate (teleport).

I have to use my hands to do magic, I don't trust Wood but I trust Harry. "WOOD GO GET A TEACHER!" I yell an he leaves.

I fly close to the ground near Harry I let go of the broom with one hand I point my finger at the bludger. A big spark came out of my hand as I imagine the ball exploding. When the spark hit the ball it exploded and I fell off my broom to the ground, I coved my head so the pieces wouldn't hit me.

"Felicity, are you ok!" Harry exclaimed rushing over to me, I groan and flip over. "Give me my wand Harry," I say. "How did you do that," he asks handing me my wand. "Harry when they get here we will tell them that I used my wand to explode the bludger, you can't tell anyone I did this." I say.

I stand up and look around, I see professor McGonagall comes over to me. I lean on Harry and I had a huge head ache it was probably because of the piece of medal ball that hit me in the head.

"Are you ok!" She exclaims coming toward me, "yes thankfully Harry tossed me my wand and I exploded it." I say I look at Harry, "yeah she had perfect aim, but I don't think budgers are suppose to follow people." He say and I mouth thank you to him.

"No they are not, Wood don't do anything else with the bludgers just finish up the lesson and come get me if anything else happens." She says and Wood nods.

"Ok, Felicity, you are a chaser your job is to use this ball," he says handing me the big ball that didn't move like it wanted to kill. "And get in those hoops. They are ten points for each hoop. We play till 150." He say. "Cool," I say.

I get back on my broom and I fly into the air. I do a flip in the air and head straight for a hoop. I through the ball as hard as I can and it goes straight through the circle.

I go around it and catch the ball again, I fly back down to the ground where Wood and Harry were. "Wow!" Wood and Harry say in unison. "Thanks," I say.

"Ok now Harry this is your ball," he says opening a little shied and inside was a little gold ball. "You have to catch it to get 150 point before the other seeker can, if one team gets to 150 before ether seeker that teams wins," Wood says. "Sounds easy enough." Harry say.

"No, this ball is deadly fast and damn right impossible to see when it flys." He say. "Fun!" I say sarcastically. "I know right," Wood say. and I smack my hand to my head. "Have you ever heard of sarcasm," I ask. "Yup," he say and packs up his stuff and walks off the field.

"That guy better be good at quidditch because he isn't the brightest person I've met," I say. "Really," Harry says and we laugh. "Come on let's go meet up with Ron." I say.


"So let me get this straight, someone tampered with a bludger so it would come after you Felicity," Ron says. "Yup that pretty much sums it up." I say.

"And I can't believe you aimed your wand perfectly," he say and I look over to Harry. I explained to him earlier about what Dumbledoor said to me and now he knows.

"Yup she was amazing," Harry says. "Thanks I try, I try." I say laughing, I put one arm around Harry and the other around Ron. "God dodging budgers is so tiring, and I have like a massive headache, save me." I say.

"Come on let's go eat," Ron says. "Do you ever do anything besides eating!" I exclaim. "There is no greater joy," Ron say and we walk off.


Authors note.

Haha, there is no greater joy, seriously. I'm so much like Ron there, love is life, so I hope you liked this chapter. I had fun, déjà vu into the future for the second book the bludger.

So I will post soon so please keep reading if you have any suggestions please comment and I will comment back.

-Grangergal out-

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