Chapter twelve

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Hermione's parents where very nice, her mother had hair like her and they both had chocolate brown eyes. They were both around 5,6ish, her dad was I little bit taller then her mother.

"Hello there I'm Felicity Pages," I say as they come over. "I am Wendell ant this is my wife Monica," her father said. "Nice to meet you." I say. "You to," Monica says and shakes my hand.

It was extremely awkward, I didn't know what to say. "Well, um, thank you for letting me stay here with you," I say polity. They nod. "I'm am going to show you our room, we are sharing," Hermione says.

I follow her into the house and we head up the stairs and down a narrow hallway, it was a nice house but it was small. We walk into her room which was actually fairly big.

"So I was wondering if you wanted to go shopping later at diagon ally. There is something I need to get there for a present." I say.

"I think that would be fun, I can ask mom and dad to take is tomorrow. But today I was thinking we can do so muggle shopping." Hermione says grinning.

I nod and we head down the stairs, I grabbed my un detectable extension charm bag. I put my stash of money that I stole from Paul. I put in anything I might need into it.

"Mum, me and Felicity are going to go shopping, we will be back in a couple hours." Hermione tells her mum when we walk into the kitchen. "Ok, have fun and her take some money." she says handing Hermione her wallet.

She takes a little money and we head out.

"You mum is so nice, Paul never gave me money, so I stole some." I say. "He never noticed." I say. Hermione laughs at me, "Ok, there is a bunch of stores down the road it is like a 5 minute walk." She says.

I nod and we walk down the street, "I'm so happy I got to come with you here, your family seems so nice," I say. "I'm happy you got to come, I like you bag by the way but how does it have enough to hold anything?" She asks.

"You would be surprised." I say smirking. For Christmas I'm getting Hermione a bag like mine so she can't know anything about it yet.

We get to a clothes store and we walk in, "you know what we should do?" I ask. "Um, try on clothes." She asks slowly. "Of course but, we need to try on stuff you normally wouldn't wear." I say looking at her baggy pants and t-shirt.

I pick off a bunch of skinny jeans her size and tank tops with designs on them. I through them over the side of the changing room for her. I try on everything she does and I decide to buy it for her because the bag will be free.

"So I have decided to buy everything for you, Paul and Greta were very well set off so I got a lot money from around the house, think of it as a early Christmas present." I say

"Thank you that would be amazing," She exclaims.


"Thank you, thank you, thank you," Hermione says for the hundredth. "It is all good." I say as we walk house, we had bags all the way up our arms. I bought her everything she wanted because I knew I wouldn't use this money for anything else.

When we got to the house Hermione dropped all the bags and we went to the kitchen. There was a note on the counter.

We will be back soon, went to the grocery store, be back soon. We are having steak and salad for dinner, if you need something just call.

-mum and dad-

It read. "Ok we should get these things up to our room and get our stuff unpacked." Hermione says. "Ok," I brace myself and pick up all the bags, the good thing about my special bag is you can't feel the weight in like these heavy things.

We drop them off and I put my stuff away and we hear the door open and shut. "Hermione, Felicity, we are home." Monica says.

We come down the stairs and greet them.


We are on our way to diagon ally and we finally get there. "I'm going to get some money from Grinngots all will meet you later." I say, they wave me off and I head over to Grinngots to meet the goblin named Leti who gave me the bag.

I walk to the front of the room where they had a man at the desk, "um excuse me, I'm here to see Leti, I'm Felicity Pages." I tell the goblin.

He walks behind into a door and I wait there awkwardly because all the goblins were staring at me. He returns with a familiar goblin.

"Hello Leti, happy Christmas." I say, "you to Felicity," he says leading me to a back room to talk. I pull out a box wrapped up nicely for him. "I got you this." I say.

"Thank you," he say. "You can open it now if you want," I say. He opens the box and pulls out a specially made outfit that I made him. "I made it my self." I say.

"Thank you, but in fortunately I didn't get you anything," he says, "is there anything I can do for you?" He asks. "Well there is this one thing, I wanted to get my best friend one of those special bags you gave me and I would love if you could get me another one?" I ask.

"I would consider it a honor, Felicity, you know your famous even for us goblins." He says. "Thank you," I say and he grabs one of the bags. "You can always write to me," he say. "I will, but I got to go," I say. "Goodbye," I say.

I walk out of Grinngots and I look for Hermione I find her in a book store. "Hey I'm all set," I say grinning. "What did you do," she asks me. "Nothing, why do you always assume I do something," I say.

"Because I know you and I know your face when you do something," she say. "Oh it is nothing, come on let's just go," I say.

I'm glad I got the bag I didn't think that Leti would actually let me have another one but I guess I was wrong.


Authors note.

I know it was kinda boring but I like writing it, it is taking forever to write this story and it is a little annoying because I usually right quickly but I'm just not lately.

But whatever, hope you liked it and Hermione's gift, I wonder what movie that bag comes in.

-Grangergal out-

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