Chapter six

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A few days later we are all at lunch and I'm sitting next to Ron, Harry is across from me and Hermione diagonal from me. "So I heard me are going to actually use the brooms today not just talking about them," Ron says.

"Really I've been wanting to try it, it is so boring just talking about what to do." I say.

The mail comes into the great hall and owls are flying everywhere. Ron sighs like he knows what is going to happen. I big owl fly next to Ron but crashes into the the sandwich platter.

Ron turns bright, must be his owl, the owl gets up and walks over to Ron and gives him the mail. "Can I borrow this?" Harry asks, he points to the newspaper that was giving with Ron's mail.

"Sure," Ron says. Harry opens it and starts reading, I toss a piece of chicken at Ron and he throws it back. Hermione rolls her eyes at us then Ron 'accidentally' hit her with a piece of salad.

"Look at this!" Harry exclaimed braking us out of our little food fight and Hermione actually started hitting Ron with food. "What is it?" I ask Harry.

"Just a few days ago someone broke into a vault in Gringotts which a been emptied early that week, the vault 317 had classified information in it and we can't tell you what was in it. Strange that's the vault Hagrid and I went to but he wouldn't tell me what was in in it." Harry says.

"Dumbledoor asked about that when I went to Gringotts but also wouldn't tell me what was in that vault." I say.

"Look Neville's got himself a rememberal!" Dean exclaimed, "what's a rememberal?" Ron asks. "When you forgets something the smoke in the ball turns red." Hermione says.

The glass ball turns red and Neville looks at it confused. "The only problem Hermione is that I can't remember what I've forgotten." Neville says.

Harry gets hit in the face with an entire chicken wing and I laugh so hard I couldn't breathe. Hermione grabs her giant book and hides her face cause she knows what is coming next.

Harry puts some potato on his fork and I duck under the table because I don't want mashed potato on my face. Ron wasn't so smart he stood there wondering what I was doing ducking.

Harry flung the fork and it hit Ron right a his forehead and Me and Hermione burst out laughing. "What was that for," Ron exclaims. "You hit me with the wing!" He yells, "That was Felicity," he says pointing to me.

"It was Hermione's idea," I say. "We will get both of you," Ron and Harry say in unison. "Hermione, run!" I yell and we run up from the table block the chicken that was being thrown at us.

We make it to the stairs and we start panting. "I think we're good," I say to Hermione who was panting next to me and she nods. "We should get to the next class," Hermione says. "Yes that's what you care about when we almost got pelted with chicken," I say. We laugh and go to the next class.


"Ok now that I've talk about what to do you will try to hold a broom." Professor says. I don't know her name because I keep forgetting so she is just my flying professor.

"Step up to the left side of your broom and say up.... NOW!" She yells. I step up to the left side of the broom and before I could say up it came right to my hands.

Harry stares at me wide eyes, "up," he says and it goes straight into his hands. "I didn't even have to say up," I say smirking. He laughs and me and I see Malfoy out of the corner of my eye get his.

"With passion!" The teacher exclaims, Ron couldn't get it and he yelled at his broom and it hit him in the forehead. "Shut up Felicity and Harry," Ron says when we laugh.

Ron had a red mark on his head from where it hit him. "Look at Ron's forehead," I say to Harry pointing to the red spot. We laugh again and Ron's face goes as red as the spot on his forehead. He got really mad and he finally got the broom up.

"Ok, now that we have our brooms in hand you will learn hover but not more then a couple inches off the ground." Professor says strictly.

Neville starts floating above the ground but just kept getting higher and higher. "Neville no get down here," Dean yells. "Mr. Longbottom get down her this instant!" Professor yells.

Neville screams and heads straight for the castle wall, he keeps going but the broom brakes at the tip. He is almost about to clear the roof when his sweater and tie gets stuck to the point of a statue on the roof.

It rips and he falls but a torch stub catches him and then his sweater and tie comes off and he falls to the ground. "That is why I don't wear ties," I say to Hermione and she shrugs her shoulders.

The Professor tells us that Neville broke his wrist and she was taking him to the infirmary not without warning us about not lifting a foot off the ground or we would be expelled.

I walk over to Harry still holding my broom. Then Malfoy comes over to us holding something in his hand, he has Neville's rememberal. "Oh, looks here." Malfoy say.

"Give it back Malfoy," Harry says. "No, I think I will leave it somewhere for him to find, how about the roof." He says fly off.

I jump on my broom and fly off, Harry was right behind me. Malfoy decides to through it, Harry catches it last minutes then throughs it to me.

Malfoy puts his hands up so I don't through it back just to humiliate him I through the rememberal right through his arms. Then I go right over him and catch it again.

We return to the ground and I hug Harry and everyone runs toward us like we are heroes. "Way to go Felicity," Hermione says to me and Ron congratulates Harry and was about to congratulate me when we heard.

"Ms. Pages, Mr. Potter come with me." Professor McGonagall says to us. We silently walk with her and I hear Malfoy behind us laughing. "It was a shame the girl wasn't that bad looking," He says and my face turns bright red.

"Professor, please don't expel us," I beg as we walk down the hall. "I won't be expelling you both," she says. "This is the part when you give me the details." I say but she ignores me.

We interrupt the defense against the darks class that was going on. "Excuse me, can we borrow Wood." McGonagall says. "Y-yes," Professor Quirrel says.

We get to the hallway. "Ok what do you need me for?" Wood asks. "Wood me Felicity Pages she will be your new chaser and Harry Potter will be your seeker. Don't worry I have seen them they are amazing!" She exclaims.


Authors note.

Ohhhhhh, she is a chaser, she is a chaser, I think I had to much candy and now I type like really fast, really, really, fast. Or maybe it was the ice cream I had anyway way to much sugar.

Ok back on topic I hope you like the chapter, I liked writing it, I plan to make this into a series and I hope you keep reading.

-Grangergal out-

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