Chapter fifteen

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It is almost spring and the snow is clearing off the ground. I hate spring, it is the beginning of warm weather and allergies. Every day after class I sneak off to the black lake and make it snow on me, several times people have asked me where I have been disappearing to but I come up with some stupid excuse.

I've been getting very good at water magic, I have basically mastered all of the elements. Hermione likes to watch me practice them but I mostly like to do it alone. All four of us are trying our hardest to find out about Nicolas Flammel but we have basically give up on looking.

I walk into the great hall and see Harry, Ron and Hermione sitting at one of the tables. Ron had a bunch of piles of cards that are put in the chocolate frogs. Harry was reading one and I pause before walking bee to them.

When I get halfway there they all bolt up from the table and Hermione grabs my arm and drags me along behind her. "What's going on?" I ask.

"Full you in later," she says as we run down the hallway. Harry and Ron run next to me and we try keeping up with Hermione. "Damn, I didn't know Hermione could run so fast," Ron says as we run down the hall.

Of course the place Hermione leads us to is the library Harry and Ron sit down at a table as Hermione disappears into the library.

I sit down next to Ron, "Ok what is going on, Hermione pulled me away without telling me anything." I say. "Well we found out Nicolas Flammel is Dumbledoor's partner, then like you said Hermione freaked and told us to follow her." Harry says.

We shrug and and we wait a little, "so where have you been hiding out?" Ron asks, "no where, just around." I say. "Well you haven't been in our dorm room," Hermione says coming around the bookshelf holding a giant book the size of my and Harry's head combined.

"I checked this book out earlier for a bit of light reading, how could I be so stupid!" Hermione exclaims. "Light reading?" Ron questions making Hermione scowl at him.

"Ok listen to this," she says pointing to a page of the book she had just opened. "Nicolas Flammel is a well know sorcerer who is know for the creation of the sorcerer stone. It is a stone that gives you immortality to anyone who uses it, also it can heal the hurt." She explains.

"So that is what Fluffy's guarding," Harry says. "The sorcerers stone," I finish.

I wonder why they went through so much trouble to hide it. But is it hiding or protecting the stone?


I walk down the path to the black lake, there is a trail through the woods that leads me straight to it. I have good hearing so I can hear most thing the average person wouldn't.

I hear a small crunch of a small leaf behind me and I know Someone is following me. I hear the footstep, someone my age probably a guy judge on the way he walks.

It will most likely be Ron or Harry because they are the ones who have been asking where I have been going. I will wait till I get down to my spot to do anything about them.

The trees are starting to bloom and I'm getting all sweaty from the heat, I hate it. I hold my hand up and put a fire ball in it to light the way because it is getting darker out.

I can see the shadow and I can tell by the shape that it is Harry. I make it to my spot and I walk over near the water and feel it, still to cold to go in.

"You know, Harry if you going to follow someone you should at least try to be quiet about it." I say, I slam my foot down and Harry goes flying out of the woods because I moved the earth under him.

"No need to get violent with me Felicity," Harry says. "I thought it would be fun, did you really think you were quiet?" I ask him with my eye brows raised. "Yes I think I was quite quiet actually." He says.

"Then how did I hear you," I ask and he says silent. I sit down on a rock and Harry comes over and sits next to me. "I come out here to practice, it is peaceful away from ever one." I say.

"Also I like to make it snow because I hate the heat," I say. Little white flecks fall on my clothes and It really was peaceful. "I see what you mean." He says. I nod and look up at the snow.

"What else can you do, or what have you learned." Harry asks. "Here watch this," I say. I lift my hand then I a giant wave comes at us, I freeze the little partials and let it melt but before it could hit us I made wind force it back into the lake.

"Your amazing, I wish I could do that," he says. "Thanks, come on let go back," I say. I stand up and then I slip on the sand and fall into the lake.

Harry laughs at me and I try standing up and I slip and fall again. Harry laughs harder and I hold out my hand so he could help me up.

He grabs it and in stead of having him help me up I dragged him down and he falls into the shallow water I laugh and he slashes me. I made a big wave and it fell on him, we both laughed but we were both soaked.

I got out of the water and rung out my shirt tank top which is black thank god so my bra wouldn't show. "If they ask why we are soaking, you are coming up with the excuse." I say.

He laughs and shakes his head, "Why don't you just blow dry us," Harry says. I Put my hand up straight at his face and his hair goes up in every direction. I laugh.


We walk into the common room and Hermione and Ron were sitting at a table. They spot us and there faces lit up and we walk over.

"Why are you two wet?"


Authors note.

So I finish another like I promised, I hope you liked and if you have suggestions for me please tell me. I hope to finish this book soon, we'll nothing much to say.

-Grangergal out-

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