Chapter five

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I can be the worst person in the morning it is just how I am. If you try to wake me up in the morning you should expect to die. I hate mornings I have to sneak Greta's coffee but I have a feeling that they don't have coffee at Hogwarts.

Mornings will be the death of me, I can't stand them. I'm like the heaviest sleeper every I sleep through any alarm or person. Today was different, Hermione really can yell, so this is how it went this morning.

"FELICITY, MERLIN YOUR A HEAVY SLEEPER, WAKE UP!!!" I hear in my ear. "I WILL DUMP WATER ON YOU, wait are you dead." Hermione is the voice I didn't recognize her yelling.

I hit her in the head with my pillow then put it back under under my head and go back to sleep. Not really I just rest I couldn't go back to sleep with Hermione thumping around.

I hear her come back into our room but then everything go wet and I know she just pour water all over me. So do the thing I know she will hate the most, I pretend to be asleep.

"If you don't get up in five seconds I will scream." Hermione said. Then she let out the most awful noise, I bursted up from the bed and put my ears in my hands.

"STOP! STOP!" I yell. She laughed at me, "you know your a heavy sleeper," she said. "Yup," I say moving my hair of off my face with my hand. "We have class in and hour you need to get ready," she said.

"Ugh fine just give me ten minutes." I said. She starts getting her book but I get a short grey skirt then I look at the top in disgust. A white button up with a tie and I sweater over it.

I put on the button up and tuck in into my skirt. I leave the top three buttons unbuttons I don't put on the sweater or tie. I put on socks that go just above the knee and some black flats.

"That is not the uniform!" Hermione exclaimed. "I not wear a tie if that's what your getting at," I say. "Yes, you are supposed to be to be wearing what I am." She said. "I'm refuse to wear a tie you can't force me and if you put it on me I will choke myself with it." I say.

Hermione sighs then we went to the common room. "Let me see you schedule I want to compare," Hermione said. I give her my paper and she scans her eyes over it.

"Ok, we have every class together we better get going don't want to be late," she said. "But we still have half and hour to get to class," I sigh. "And we need that time to walk through the castle." She said. "Fine," I said sighing.

She linked arms with me and we were off. "Shouldn't we make sure Ron and Harry can find there way there." I ask. "I'm sure they will be fine," she said pulling me through the painting whole.

"Ron is so retched," Hermione says as we go down the the moving stairs. "What is so bad about Ron? And why are you suddenly talking about him, what do you like him?" I ask.

"No! He is vile," she says. "I can see you two getting together, you know what I'll ask Harry and then we can bet money on it!" I exclaim only half joking. "I promise we will never be together," she says.

I we enter the classroom and she sits next to a Hufflepuff girl so she can ovoid my Ron questions. I lean over my empty two sitter desk to Hermione. "I'm going with 50 buck," I whisper to Hermione and she hits me in the head with her book.

"Touchy subject, I get it," I say. She sighs heavily and hits her head against the desk. I laugh at what I call my friend.

Professor McGonagall coming in and tells us what chapter to read and the transforms into a cat. Harry and Ron come running into the class panting.

Hermione rolls her eyes at them and then Harry sits next me and Ron sits next to Dean in the two person table identical to all the tables in the class next to us.

Professor McGonagall transformed back into a human and walks straight towards Ron's and our desk.

"That was bloody brilliant!" Ron says. "Thank you from that assessment Mr. Weasley," she says. "Maybe I should transform one of you into a watch then maybe one of you might be one time." She says.

"We got lost," Harry says, "well then maybe a map, take notes from the book you and your desk partner will be sharing." She says dismissing them away.

"Why aren't you and Hermione sitting next to each other?" He whisper. "What you don't want to sit with me, I see how it is." I fake a hurt face, "no, no, it not that I don't want sit with you, actually I'm glad I can sit with you, I was just curious." He rants. "You take things way to seriously, Hermione isn't sitting with me because I joked about how her and Ron would get together one day." I say.

"I think so to, it is funny they act like they hate each other but there just going to end up together one day I know it." Harry says and we laugh, I try to keep my laugh in so the teacher doesn't notice.


I'm sitting between to Hermione and Harry in potions. The teacher professor Snape is really scary, he made Neville cry already.

I wasn't paying attention what he was saying at all I just sat there watch Harry write in his notebook. "Potter!" This caught my attention. "What do you get when you add asphodel to an infusion of worm wood?" Snape asks.

"I don't know." Harry says quietly, "let's try again, where do you find bezoar?" He asked again. Through all of this Hermione's hand was high on the air for every question but he wouldn't call on her.

"I don't know." He says. "Ok, what is the difference of monkshoods and wolfsbane?" He asks. "I don't know.

He was about to says something else when I but in. "Why don't you just ask Hermione, she seems to know they answers." I say annoyed. "What about you?" He asks.

"Ok, asphodel and wormwood makes a sleeping potion so powerful it is know as the living death. Bezoar is a stone found inside a goats stomach can cure almost any poison. Monkshoods and wolfsbane are the same plant." I answer and everyone's eyes were on me.

Snape didn't know what to say he just stood there staring at me. I smirk, "five points from Griffendoor-" "for what getting the answers right." I cut in. "Just read out of your books," he says in defeat.


Authors note.

Hey guy, I have officially memorized what asphodel and wormwood are together also where to find Bezoar and the difference between monkshoods and wolfsbane. Also I can actually spell them... fine maybe I use I little bit of spell check.

I hope you liked it, I have no life just posting it at 10:30 in the morning when I just wake up on a Tuesday. This is my life, ( silently cry to myself as I lay here with my cat) back to reality, I will post again later thanks for reading

-Grangergal out-

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