Chapter nine

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It is October now and it is getting colder and I'm happy, I hate the heat I'm glad it's getting colder. I still refuse to wear that ugly sweater though I won't at least that stupid button down is long sleeved.

We are heading to professor Flickwick's class, charms. "I don't get it, all we have been practicing lately the wand movements for a spell! It is so boring!" Ron exclaims.

Hermione laughs at him and rolls her eyes, "if you don't get the motion right you can't do the spell," she says slowly like she was talking to a two year old. Me and Harry laugh at them and Hermione joins in but Ron crosses her arms and huffs like a little kid.

"Mad suits you," I say. Me and Hermione walk ahead of the guys, me and her have become good friend over the time here. I'm usually the peace keeper between Ron and Hermione.

We walk into the classroom and Mr Flitwick starts putting people into partners. I get paired up with Harry and I laugh when I see Hermione's annoyed face with an even more annoyed Ron, they were partners.

"Now class today we will be doing the actual spell," Professor Flitwick says. "About time," Ron says from besides me. Seamus and Dean were on our other side.

"Repeat after me," he says. "Wingardium Leviosa," he says clearly. There was a jumble of words from people muttering all different things. "Very good," he say.

Ron leans over to me, "is this guy deaf or something," Ron asks. I laugh at him, and turn to face the front, "now remember your wrist movements and try to make the feather in front of you levitate." He says all happily.

I pull out my wand and point it at the feather me and Harry were sharing. "I'll go first, Wingardium Leviosa," I say and I move my wrist in a circular motion and down then move it in the air and the feather goes with. "Well done, Felicity is the first to do it." The teacher exclaims.

I look over at Ron to see him waving his wand like crazy, he reminds me of that knight I saw in the picture my first night here and how he was waving his sword like crazy.

"Stop! Stop! Stop! Your going to take someone's eye out," Hermione says grabbing the wand out of his hand. "Your saying it wrong any way, it is LeviOsa, not Leviosar." She say.

"You do it then if your so clever!" He exclaims with a smirk on his face he though she wouldn't get it but I knew Hermione I know she will get this. "Wingardium Leviosa." She says and does the motion.

The feather goes floating into the air and it spins around mine, I move my wand around so it looked like they were dancing together.

Hermione smirked at Ron and his slumped his chest and crossed his arms.

I see Seamus doing the same motion Ron was doing then I heard an explosion and his feather went flying into the air on fire. I laugh at him, wow he was good at explosions.

"I think we are going to need another feather over here professor." Dean say. The shocked look on Flickwick's face faded slowly and I look around to see most people the same way.

Ron remanded in his pouting spot with his head on the table. "Class dismissed while I clean Mr. Finagin's desk." The teacher says and I walk out of the getting pulled along by Ron Harry to.

"It's LeviOsa, not Leviosar. God she is a nightmare honesty no wonder she hasn't any friends." Ron says mimicking Hermione. Hermione pushing by us and I can see she is crying.

"You complete, Ass! Ronald Weasley!" I yell hitting him with my book, I run off in the direction Hermione went. I hope she doesn't think I was a part of that, I will kill the git meat head.

I see a poof of hair run into the girls lavatory and I run after it. I pull open the door and walk in, I hear the sobs of Hermione from one of the painted green stalls.

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