Chapter nineteen

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Chapter= edited,

My eyes drift open and I expect to wake up in my dorm. But when I open then everything is blurry and I can make anything out. I felt like hell and didn't even want to think about moving. My eyes adjust and I realized I was in the hospital wing of the school. I try to remember what happened, why I was here but thinking took to much work.

I try to move my right hand but I cant, I look down at it and it is covered in a hard cast. Everything else seems to be fine, just sore, I help myself sit up with my left hand and that's when I feel the pain in my chest.

As soon as I felt the pain I remember how all this happened and I remember the shadow of my dreams. All my memories came back all at once but it seemed a bit overwhelming. One thing was different this time, I lived well thanks to Harry. He saved me with that rock.

I hear a groan come from the bed beside me and I dart my head to the right. Harry was forcing himself up, I wonder what happened to him. His hair was sticking up all over the place and he look at me.

"Hey," I say quietly but my voice comes out all raspy, I must have been asleep a while. "Felicity, your ok," Harry says. I clear my throat so my voice doesn't sound so awful, "yeah how about you?" I ask. "I'm fine," he says.

The doors squeak open and we both turn out eyes to see professor Dumbledoor coming over to us. He had a bright smile on his face and practically skips over to us. Me and Harry had a table in between us, the table was piled sky high with gifts and food that was addressed to both of us.

"It is good to see you two back with the living," Dumbledoor says all cheerful. "How long were we asleep?" I ask him and Harry was focusing probably wanting to know to. "Few days," Dumbledoor says and shrugs it off like it is nothing but I have never stayed sleeping that long so I found it strange.

"I see your friend Ron has helped himself to the chocolate frogs," He says pointing to all the opened cases of chocolate frogs, "Ron was here? is he ok?" Harry asks. "Yes he is quiet well and I would just like to inform that what happen down there with professor Quirrel is a complete secret, so naturally the hole school knows." Dumbledoor says eating some of Harry and my candy candy.

"Nicolas has agreed with me to destroy the stone and it has already been done so it shouldn't bother any one." He says, "doesn't me that Nicolas will die?" I ask. "Yes but he Has agreed that 665 years old is old enough." I felt bad I hated it when people or even animals died, I felt responsible but didn't mention it.

"In my youth I come apon a vomit favored bean and I have really lost my taste for them, but I think I can be safe with a nice toffee." Dumbledoor says popping a Carmel colored bean in his mouth. "At last, earwax," he says and I practically gag at the thought of eating something so gross.

"I must go now, madam Pomfrey doesn't like me talking to you, she thinks you need rest so heal quickly." Dumbledoor says leaving the hospital. Madem Pomfry walk in carrying a tray, "you both are free to go just don't do anything to crazy." She says, that was kinda shocking seeing as what Dumbledore just said.

I get out of bed and so does Harry, we lean on each for support, we leave the hospital, "we did it, for real this time." Harry says. We walk to the stairs that go up to the great hall and see Ron and Hermione standing at the top talking to each other, they would be so cute together except the fact that they are usually going at each other's throats. They must have been waiting for us, aw so sweet of them.

Hermione see us and nudges Ron and he sees us, Hermione literally runs down the stairs. I never seen her run so fast, she sprints over to me and Harry with Ron in tow. Me and Hermione hug and I try not to wince in pain. Harry and Ron give one of those man hugs then I hug Ron. "how are you both," I ask them. "Brilliant you?" Ron asks us, "brilliant," I say back.


We all sat at the great hall and wore big black hats for living through first year, I stood out cause everyone was wearing the proper uniform and I was just wear a white button up like always. We all chatted among our selves.

"Slytherin wins the house cup," Dumbledoor says. I don't really care about house cup that is why I don't pay attention when they give or take points, it really is just a stupid game, there are more important things in life. "But we have to take resent events into account. 50 points to Ms Hermione Granger for the use of knowledge in all situations. 50 points to Ronald Weasley for best played game of chest I have seen in ages. 60 points to both Harry Potter and Felicity Pages for outstanding bravery and jumping in when needed. also lastly 10 points to Neville Longbottom. It takes a great deal of bravery to stick up against enemy's but even more against friends," Dumbledoor says and my mouth drops open, Neville, points, never thought I would hear those words together, I was happy for him.

We had just won the house cup but I didn't really care it is just a game for me and there are bigger things out there. "If my calculations are correct there should be a change in decorations in here." He says and claps his hands.

The drapes the had said slytherin on them changed to Griffendor yay, it looked a lot better.


We are about to leave when me and Harry get pulled aside. "These are for you," Hagrid says giving us photo albums. "Thanks hagrid, can't wait to see you next year and don't forget about us." I says. Me and Harry hug Hagrid but we had to get on the train before it left with out us. We literally jump on the train when it was moving.

Me, Ron, Hermione, and Harry get into a compartment together and when I get in I open to the first page. The Pages. It said on the fist page, I open to the next page and saw two blondes with brown eyes. These couldn't be my parents I don't look anything like them but it had to be them, I wonder how I became of them seeing as I had Blue eyes and dark brown hair. I closed the album when I finish looking through and it was not satisfying.

When we get off the train Hermione's parents were waiting on the other side of the platform. "I'm afraid we have some bad news Hermione. Our jobs are crashing and we can't take Felicity in, we Are so sorry." Her dad says my heart drops but I didn't want them to know that.

"That's alright I'll find someone else don't worry, and I'll write to you Hermione, promise." I say. She knows and her family leaves and I sit on the bench next to Ron and his brothers. His family was here yet I had no idea where I would go.

"This is normal for my mother, she is always late," Ron says. "What about your parents?" He asks. "I don't have any, and I don't have any guardians so I don't have any where to go." I say. "why don't you have a guardian." He asks.

"Let's just say last time I saw him he tried to kill me with his car and I'm not joking, He abused me," I say the last part quickly hoping he doesn't hear it. "Um sorry, I can ask mum if you can stay with us." Ron suggests. "That would be lovely." I say happy that I might have somewhere to go, me and Ron could be siblings and it would be amazing we where practically family already.

A woman with red hair and I little plump comes over to us, she was quite small but seemed really nice. "Mum, Felicity doesn't have any where to go, can she stay with us?" Ron asks like it was nothing, not even a please. "I don't see the problem," ms. Weasley says wow that was so nice of her.


Authors note.

I'm done, finished, over, but now I will get started on another book, read my next book in the series it isn't long but the one after that will be longer. Vote Comment or anything, luv ya

-Grangergal out-

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