Bump in the Road

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We walked. And that's all we had to do. Just being near him, holding his hand, and listening to the soft thumps of our feet breaking through the crisp snow. Just hearing his voice, with it's rhythmic rises and falls as he talked to me. It was enough.

"Question," I said when we paused at a worn wooden bench under a large oak tree. Will polished his glasses, which had began to get pretty foggy. "Shoot." I brought my legs up into a cross legged position, letting one of my knees rest comfortably on one of his own. "Why haven't you told me about this." I gestured to him and back to me. Will's cheeks dimpled when he smiled. He put his glasses back on and crossed his legs as well, mimicking my position. "Well," he started, sounding like he was beginning a long story. "I think it was mostly because you were with Simon. I didn't want you to feel rushed, especially after a rough breakup like that." I nodded, feeling increasingly bad about blowing up at him earlier. He put a hand on my shoulder gently. I didn't look up at him, feeling too badly to see any forgiveness in them. "Sash, don't worry about it," I played with the end of my jacket. He cupped the side of my face and a leaned into it, feeling the warmth from his fingertips bite through my frozen skin. I looked up at him and smiled gently. "Okay."

My phone buzzed in my pocket. When I answered it, my dad's voice sounded from the other side. "Sasha?" His voice was off. Something was definitely wrong. "Yeah dad what's wrong?" I heard his breath come in rasps on the other end. "Get your grandmother to bring the kids back home, there was an accident." I could feel my eyes widen. Then I realized something. "Dad, let me speak to mom." Silence answered me, shortly followed by something I'd never heard before. The sound of my father crying. "Oh, Sasha. I'm so sorry. It's my fault. My fault."

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