On Thin Ice

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"Don't worry. You'll be fine."
He took my hand and led me into the rink. The cold bit at my face as I gripped the wall for support.
"Yeah, says the person who can actually skate."
Will shook his head. "I'll hold your hand the whole time."
I nodded and began to slide across the slick surface of the ice. Taking in my surroundings, I felt my muscles tense up. Apparently, Saturday afternoon was prime time for experienced skaters to come out an show their skills. There were about eighty people in the rink, but it felt like thousands. I saw my foggy breath quicken and the colorful winter clothes of the people around me started to blur.
"Will," I gripped his arm. "Is there anywhere we can sit down?"
Seeing that I was on the brink of another attack, he led me over to a bench area. I slumped against his shoulder and took long exhausted breaths. He rubbed my back soothingly and I closes my eyes, trying to pretend like I was back in our secret corner at the library, like I was still sitting at the kitchen table in the calming sunlight.
"You okay?"
I nodded and opened my eyes and lifted them to his. They weren't pitying, they didn't look at me like I was a wounded puppy that needed attention. They looked bright and strong. Good, I thought. I've had enough pity for a lifetime.
He took a deep breath. "I know you can do it."
I shook my head. "Let's just face it, I'm hopeless." I curled my legs up to my chest and rested my head on them. Will pat my shoulder. "Just pretend like it's just you and I in the rink. No one else matters."
I felt tears burn at the back of my throat. The pain made my next words sound choked. "Will, I honestly can't do that-"
He took my other shoulder, gripping them both firmly and staring at me with high intensity. "Sasha, stop saying that. If you keep doing that then you'll never get better. You need to be more optimistic about these situations, okay?" He released me and took my hand. "Ready to try again?"
I nodded. "Yeah, let's go again."
Will's words hit me hard, but not without positive results. I took Will's hand as he led me back out onto the ice. People swished around me and I felt the dizziness start to come back. I closed my eyes and thought about what Will said. I blocked out the sounds of blades against ice and the laughing voices of couples. I opened my eyes and it was just Will and I standing on the side of the rink. I smiled.
"There we go," Will said, returning my smile. "Come on we only have an hour left until I have to get you back home."
I hadn't been skating in three years and was a it wobbly on my skates.
"Woah!" Will grabbed my arm, saving me from falling over. "Thanks."
"Bend your knees more," he tapped the back of my knee lightly and I obeyed. "Now, push out with one foot, then the other." I did this and started to move forward at a swift pace. "There you go. Now I'm going to let go of your hand, just keep doing what you're doing." He released my cold fingers and I went off across the rink on my own, dodging the ghosts of people I ignored. I laughed, this wasn't that bad. I swerved left and right, feeling a certain rhythm to it. One, two, three. One, two, three. Will skates near me, smiling at my happiness. I decided to show off a little and prepared myself to spin. About halfway through the turn, my skate got caught in the snowy slush from other skaters. I let out a gasp as I fell bakwards. Hands surrounded my waist, pulling me close to them. I half expected it to be one of the rink guards since Will was too far away to get me in time. But when I looked up, I saw his light brown eyes staring into mine.
"How did you get here so fast?"
He raised an eyebrow. "Not exactly a thank you but I'll take it." I laughed and leaned against his chest. "To answer your question, I speed skated as fast as I could over here when I saw what you were about to do."
I looked up, matching his facial expression. "You didn't think I could do it?"
He gave me a crooked smile. "I'd be stupid if I did. You only just started skating. Wait a little while before you start doing tricks."
I smiled. "You're right. Thanks for catching me."
He shrugged. "It's what I do."

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