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Will shook me awake at the sound of the doorbell. "Hey, Sash. You're grandma's here." I rubbed my tired eyes and squinted outside the window. The sun was high in the sky, and I knew the snow wouldn't be here for long. I threw the quilt off of us and went to get the door. As soon as I opened the door, my siblings sprinted inside, latching themselves onto Will's legs. David looked up at his captive. "We saw your car outside!" Will laughed and ruffled his hair. "You did?" David nodded enthusiastically in answer. My sister hit Will's leg with her favorite Barbie doll, which was practically attached to her at every possible moment. "Can you play dolls with me, Willbert?" She had a habit of creating nicknames for people. I was Sashka, and Will was Willbert. I didn't know how she came up with them, but she did. And they kind of just stuck. Will looked up at me in a silent call for help. I just smiled and shrugged. He let out a dramatic sigh. "Alright, Blair. But you might have to let go of my leg." Blair shook her red curls and laughed, gripping tighter onto his leg. I left them to their fun and went to talk to my grandma, who sat waiting in the dining room. "Sit down, dearie." I sat across from her, nervously shifting in my seat. I knew what she wanted to talk about. My grandma's expression was serious, something I hadn't seen in a while. "Sasha, I need you to promise me something." I meet her crystal eyes, which didn't seem cold at all. "Anything." She took my hands into her soft and wrinkled ones. She smiled slightly. "I don't want you to jump to conclusions. They haven't found anything wrong with your mother yet besides a broken leg." I almost sunk totally in my chair with relief. She was okay. Broken bones heal. She was okay. My grandma continued. "All they're doing now is waiting for her to wake up. She took a knock to the head and it could take a little while before she comes to." I nodded, still relieved. But, something was wrong. Wait until she wakes up. She patted my hand gently and stood up. "I'm going to meet your parents at the hospital, make sure everything's going well." We said our goodbyes and she was off.

I walked to the living room to see Will wearing a tiny plastic tiara, holding a Ken doll in his hand. "Well aren't you the cutest thing I've enter seen." I said, plopping down next to him. Will leaned over and gave me a quick kiss on the cheek. "That's disgusting." David said, dropping his DS. I pushed him playfully and he laughed, pushing me back. Blair crawled over to David to play on his DS with him. I laid my head on Will's shoulder. "I just got off the phone with my mom." he wrapped his arms around me. "Yeah?" I held onto his arms. "She said I could stay here if you needed any help." I shook my head. "Will, you need to go home at some point. I don't want to keep you here." He smiled. "It's no problem, Sash. She's going to take my car to the shop and get it checked out." I looked up at him. "Well, in that case. Stay all you want." His kiss was answered my a roar of protests from my siblings, but I didn't care. Everything seemed to be fine. But, a small voice in my head kept speaking the same words. ]

What if she doesn't wake up?

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