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I slumped against the shelf and covered my face with my book.
"This author is a genius!" Will lifted the book from my face and I snatched it back from him. "I never thought I would say this, but I love the classics."
Will raised an eyebrow at me. "Jane Eyre is a contemporary classic. I wouldn't base your love of classics off of one book."
"One freaking amazing book, Will!"
He shook his head, laughing at my enthusiasm. "Alright, Sasha."
I rolled my eyes at him and was about to continue to read my book when my cell phone buzzed beside me. I opened the text.
Will looked up from his history textbook. "What?"
I shook my head, confused by what I saw. "Nothing. Um, I have to go do something. I'll see you in class." Before Will could answer, I had slung my backpack on and was walking at a fast pace out of the library.
He said to meet him in the music room. No one really goes in there, so it was the perfect place to talk privately. My heart raced as my head spun with questions.
Why did he want me to meet him there?
Is this a prank?
But mostly, Did he want me back?
My mind screamed at me to turn around, that this was going to end badly. But I continued to run down the hallways.
I turned the next corner and carefully opened the door to the music room. Peering inside, I saw Simon sitting on a stool by the piano.
"Remember when we used to come in here before school sometimes?" I walked in and dropped my bag next to a shelf of chorus music. I still held my book to my chest for comfort. I nodded.
He smiled wide and white. I had found that smile entrancing once. Now it seemed painfully bright. I wished he would stop.
"You used to play all sorts of pieces for me. You even tried to teach me once."
I avoided his eyes. "You were a horrible student."
He laughed lightly and got up from the stool. "Yeah, I guess I was."
I moment of silence passed between us. My hands started to sweat and I took a few shaky breaths. In. Out. In. Out.
"Simon? Why did you tell me to meet you here?"
His smile faded and he looked away from me. "I broke up with Lauren."
I wasn't surprised. Lauren was a wannabe Brit Peterson.
"And?" I pushed the conversation forward. Someone had to.
He looked back at me. "The breakup made me think. It made me think about us and how much I missed it." He took a step towards me. "Missed you."
I stepped back, repulsed. "Simon, it's over. You said so yourself when YOU broke up with ME."
He let out an exasperated breath. "I know but I see things differently now." He took my hand. "Please take me back?"
I threw his hand away. "Simon, that's a bunch of bullshit and you know it. It's done and over and I'm leaving. Goodbye." I grabbed my backpack and was about to open the door when he grabbed my arm, pulling me into a kiss. I was caught off guard at first, but soon fell into the way his lips moved against mine.
Wake up! I thought. Get this bastard off of you!
I bit his lip, hard. He sprang backwards with a cry of alarm.
"What the hell was that?" He exclaimed, blood trickling down his chin. He wiped it away in frustration.
I looked at him with a stare that could burn through steel. "I told you we were done. Don't come one damn step closer or I will do much worse than a bloody lip."
He smirked and gripped my arm tightly. Too tightly. I let out a small whimper, and I immediately felt shame at my weakness.
"We'll see." He grabbed Jane Eyre from me and I gasped in alarm. He let go I my arm, but before I could reach for the book, he pinned me against the wall with his body. "How about now?" Slowly, he ripped the front cover of the book away. He pressed against me harder and tears began to stream down my face.  "Nothing will make me want you ever again." I said through clenched teeth.
He laughed sinisterly. "Wow you're a feisty little one today. We will see about that in a minute." He began to rip the pages out, two by two. Each time he ripped out a few pages, he pressed me closer to the wall. The pain in my heart and chest was bursting through me like a bullet wound. I closed me eyes, hoping for this moment to end. I heard the door open, and felt Simon's crushing weight lift from me.
"Get your damn hands off of her."
That's when I heard the sound of a fist coming in contact with Simon's face. A loud slap that finally made me open my eyes. Simon was on the ground. Unconscious. I looked over and saw Will, rubbing his purple knuckles, a grimace on his face. I ran over to him and he took me tightly into his arms.
"Oh my God, Will. What are you doing here?"
His breath shook against my hair. "I wasn't going to let you go anywhere alone, especially after the way you just left me without any explanation."
I pulled him in tighter. "I'm sorry."
He hushed me. "Don't worry about it. You're safe, that's all that matters."
I sniffled as he pulled away. "Jane Eyre isn't." Over by the wall were the remains of my paperback copy. I got on my knees and started to pick up the pieces. Will joined me. 
"I had four chapters left." I said pathetically.
He smiled grimly. "Don't worry, we'll get you a new one. A bright, shiny new one that's Simon-proof and everything."
I laughed shakily as I put on my backpack, slipping the paper pieces of my favorite book into it's pocket.

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