The Daily Grind

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"I swear if Mr. Schwartz says another word about his crappy love life, I'm jumping out of the nearest window."
I sat in AP Chemistry next to Will, who was busy trying to balance a pencil on the bridge of his nose. He looked over at me, dropping the pencil in the process.
"I don't know," he shook his head. "I kind of feel bad for the guy. More women have dumped him than Brit Peterson has dumped on a Friday night." I covered my mouth to stifle a laugh. Mr. Schwartz didn't give me a second glance.
Brit Peterson was what you would call the "popular" of the school. She dated a minimum of three guys at once and could normally be found in the back corner of the library, making out passionately with some random lunk.
I almost felt sorry for the guys, except, when you date Brit Peterson, you know it's only conditional. Two, maybe three weeks if you're lucky, then she dumps you for the next guy she can get her hands on. It's pretty disgusting.
I picked up one of Will's pencils and twirled it between two of my fingers. "Maybe he should just stick to teaching." Will snatched the pencil away, mid- spin and put it back with the others. Always the perfectionist.
"He's not very good at that either."
I shrugged. "At least his tests are easy to pass."
Pleased with his straightened pencils, Will sat back from his work to face me. "What happens when we get to the final exam? He hasn't taught us very much except the reasons why love sucks."
I only partially agreed with that statement.
Three months ago, my ex, Simon Randell, broke up with me. We'd been going strong for a good year and a half before then. Turns out, Simon spent most of that time with his other girlfriend, Lauren. It's a suckish way to end a relationship when your ex's other girlfriend is sitting there to witness it.
I got over it surprisingly fast, which told me that I probably never loved him in the first place. But I still got a small pain in my chest when I saw Simon with Lauren. When that happened I had to remind myself of who he really was. A selfish jerk, and I was done dating jerks.
Will waved his hand in front of my face, snapping me out of my reverie. Before he could say anything, Mr. Schwartz smacked his palm on his desk loudly, causing one of the students to fall backwards out of his chair.
"Alright kiddos, I think that's enough discussion today. Why don't I make the rest of class a free period?" The class whooped and clapped. Finally we could escape this depressing hellhole.

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