Give Us Peace

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"Come on! We're going to be late." my grandmother called from the front hall. She'd come early this Sunday morning to take us to church. I was in my room throwing on a green dress and a pair of flats while Will grabbed something nice from my dad's closet. I'm sure he wouldn't mind. "You ready?" He walked behind me while I was in front of the mirror, making sure that there weren't any wrinkles in the thin fabric. I met his eyes in the glass and gave a small smile. "Yeah. This is about as good as it's going to get." I tied my hair in a messy ponytail that I hope looked classy and not like someone who was just attacked by a deranged squirrel. After tying his tie, he set his hands gently on my shoulders and turned me around to face him. "You look beautiful. Always." My cheeks blushed a brilliant pink color as he ben down to kiss me. "Ew not again!" David had run into the room looking very dapper himself. I knelt down by him, fixing his bedraggled hair. "Okay, David. Why don't you go tell grandma we're on our way down." He nodded but not before messing his hair up again. Will helped me to my feet. "There is no privacy in this house." I said, a piece of hair falling into my face. Will pushed it back behind my ear, laughing softly. "I know. Are you feeling okay today?" My smile flickered for a moment but I nodded. "I mean, it's going to take a little while to get used to, but, I'm fine for the time being." his crooked smile reappeared on his face. "That's my Sasha." He kissed my cheek before we made our way down to the front hall together.

Let's just say that I hadn't been to church since Christmas. My family was always to busy to take any time out of our Sunday morning to even mutter a single prayer. It was weird being back in the cold stone cathedral, surrounded by stained glass windows bearing icons of saints performing miracles. The dim glow from the lights high above and the scattered candles created a quiet and peaceful air, something I hadn't had for a while. All through the mass, I didn't exactly pay attention, I just sat in the quiet and thought to myself. I told my grandma after church that I'd be fine walking home, since we only lived a mile or two away. I walked around the empty room, arms crossed in front of my chest to keep away the teeth-chattering cold. I made my way into a small alcove, where a set of candles were lit by a few kneelers. I knelt down on the plush red velvet, twisting the ring around my finger. I heard footsteps behind me. "Hey, Will." he knelt down in the space beside me, taking one of my hands into his. "Sasha?" I looked over at him. His eyebrows were drawn into a frown, giving him a look of intense concentration. I didn't know if I was prepared for the questions he was about to ask, but I nodded. "Yes?" He let out a broken breath and kissed my white knuckles. "I had a dream last night, well it was more of a nightmare," I thought I'd felt him shaking, but I'd just pushed it aside as the cold getting to him. "We were in our corner in the library at school, except, no one else was there and all the lights were out." He paused for a moment. I squeezed his hand encouragingly. "Go on." He nodded, taking another choked breath. "Well, you sat in the corner and I was standing right beside you. We were laughing about something and you held a book open in your lap like you always did. But," again he paused, and I let him. His breath caught. "then you stopped laughing. Your eyes were huge and scared looking. I knew you were having another of your attacks, so I knelt down beside you to make sure you were okay." a tear slipped down his cheek. "But you just started screaming and screaming. And I couldn't stop it." More tears came out of his eyes. I leaned my head on his shoulder. "I'm just scared, Sasha. I'm scared that this new reason to have attacks will be the last straw. I'm scared that I won't be able to save you. I'm scared..." I hushed him, taking him into my arms as he rocked with sobs. Seeing him in this state hurt me more than anything else, and tears began forming in my own eyes. "Shh, Will, it's okay. It's all going to be okay." He pulled away, cupping my face in his smooth hands. "Is it, Sasha?" I nodded firmly.

"I promise."

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