Moving Pictures

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"Your early." I opened the door, admiting a shivering Will. Though it was March, old man winter didn't seem to be ready to give up just yet. He smiled. "Actually, I'm on time. You're just late." I rolled my eyes and grabbed my jacket from the hook beside the door. "Ready?" I asked, slipping it on. We walked out the door, locking it behind us. As I emerged from under the roof of my patio, I felt something cold and wet touch my cheek. I looked up to see the light white flakes drift down from the clouds to swirl around my feet. I smiled and took this as a sign that the day would go well.

The snow was coming down in decently large quantities since we had left my house. Hopefully this would mean less people were at the movies. I took a deep breath as we entered the theater. Will chose a pair of seats near the top where the view was the best. I plopped down in mine and curled my legs up to my chest. Will put a hand on my shoulder. "You okay?" I nodded and looked down at the ticket. "What's this movie about?" Will looked down at his own ticket, drawing his eybrows together in his signature look of concentration. He shrugged. "I'm not sure. I just chose it because the reviews were pretty good." I smilled at him and pushed down a stray lock of his unruly brown hair. He looked up at me and smiled. His eyes were dark, but they didn't feel that way. Will's eyes felt like home: comforting and friendly. I realized I'd been staring into his eyes for a while, and the awkward air around us became to much. I broke my gaze and stared instead at the blank movie screen. Will cleared his throat and sat back in his own chair. I chanced a sidways glance at him, but couldn't make out the emotions on his face, so I continued to stare at the pictureless screen. 

Since the movie had been out for a while, only a few others showed up after us. Soon, the lights dimmed and colorful pictures lit up the screen. The sound ran through me, clear and strong. But, intead of drawing away, I felt myself being pulled into the story. It was the story of the young Stephen Hawking. Watching him slowly weaken, I felt as if I were part of his life. The violin and piano music washed over my skin, sending goosebumps up my arms. Tears trickled down my face. I let out a soft sound, barely audible for anyone except me, but Will seemed to hear. He pulled me close to him, letting me rest my head on his shoulder, just as Jane had let Stephen do in the film. Though the tears still came down my face, I wasn't sad. I was happy. Happy to have this moment. The boy beside me would never leave me and I would never leave him. He was my ultimate sanctuary. 

"You completely drenched my shirt." Will lifted his blue shirt to show my. I laughed in embarrassment. "It was a sad movie, Will, how could I not cry. And don't pretend like you didn't." I looked at him accussingly. He smiled and held his hands up innocently. "I didn't." I lifted one of my eyebrows. "Oh really, I could of sworn I heard sniffling. And, if you didn't drop a single tear, why are your eyes so puffy?" His eyes widened and he lifted his hand under his glasses to feel the red bags under his eyes. "Do they look bad?" I laughed and ruffled his hair. "Yeah, but so do mine," I touched my own red eyes. "we're matching." He smiled, letting his hand drop. Suddenly, he attempted the most awkward-looking pose I had ever seen. "I wore them better." I laughed so hard that new tears came out of my eyes. I leaned agaist his shoulder, and he wrapped his arm around me just like in the theater.

now realize I haven't had the chance to introduce myself. Hello! I'm Carly, nice to meet you. Good, now that's out of the way. I hope you are enjoying Sasha's story (if you aren't, don't worry, major plot twists to come *evil laugh*) please feel free to comment/ vote etc. etc. I would love to hear from you! 

PS. Yes, the movie they watched is the Theory of Everything. This movie has some significance in the story later. That's your hint!

xx Carly

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