Meet Jaxson "Jax" Moran

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Jaxson Rex(Original Surname)
Jaxson Moran(After Adopted)

Ranger Color: Gold (Note: The Gold Part of his Ranger Suit is changed to Red)

Ranger Position: Core Member (Core Member: A member that started from the beginning)

Roll Call:
"Rage of the Leviathan! Megaforce Gold!"
"Horizon Power! Ultra Megaforce Gold!"

Gosei Leviathan Mechazord
Sea Brothers Zords
Ultra Leviathan Zord
Gosei Lobster Zord

Weapon: Leviathan Scythe

Love Interest: Troy Burrows

Appearance: Short Brown Hair and Green Eyes. Wears anything Beige.

Bio: If you have to use one word to describe Jax, is that he is "Fragile". Jaxson's feelings are easily hurt, because of his past. Growing up, Jax was happy, until his parents died in a car accident. He was later adopted by the Moran family, and ever since than he, and Gia have been bestfriends/brother and sister. When Jax was young, he was made fun of because of his sexuality. He didn't have many friends, he's terrified of people finding out about his sexuality. Even now, that sure not a lot of people cared what's his sexuality is, but he's still terrified of new people finding out. Now Jax, and the other Mega Rangers must stop evil.

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