Chapter Ten: Man and Machine

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All of us were outside at the park training. "Good job, today guys." Troy said. Troy gave me  a high-five. Suddenly Gia's Morpher beeped. "Monster attack, Robo Knight's already there." Tensou said. "Let's move!" Troy said.


"Go Go Megaforce!" All of us shouted, as we Morphed, while running to the location.

We got to the location.

"Hold it right there, monster!" Troy said.

"Stop! Get back into the shade, or he will eat your shadows!" Robo Knight said.

"Fine, we'll stay a stone's throw away! Rockcrush Card Activate!" Jake shouted, rock appeared, and went to attack Shadow Serpent.

"Let's plat Rock, Paper, Shadows!" Shadow Serpent said, as he took away the shadow, and the rocks dropped.

"Let's head for the shade!" I said.

"Too late!" Shadow Serpent said, as he attacked us.

We fell to the ground, and stood back up.

"Time for another tongue lashing!" Shadow Serpent said, as he begins attacking us.

"Quick, under that tree!" Troy said.

"Hurry!" I said.

We got under the tree.

"Excellent bunch up like that, so I can take you all in one strike!" Shadow Serpent said, as he attacked us.

"Jax! Troy!" Emma called.

Me, and Troy were fighting Shadow Serpent with our weapons.

"Guys, get to more shade if you can!" Troy said.

"I have a shot! Red Ranger, Gold Ranger, move!" Robo Knight said.

"Get off of me, and move so I can steal your shadow!" Shadow Serpent said, as he attacked us.

"You two interfered, the monster was in my sight, and you two jumped in the way!" Robo Knight said.

Clouds begin covering the sun.

"The suns away, so no more play! But next time, I'll eat you for breakfast!" Shadow Serpent said, as he left.

"He's gone!" Troy said.

"Come on, let's regrouped!" I said.

"Right, good idea!" Gia said.

All of us de-morphed, and began running. Me, and Troy stopped. "Troy, Jax." Noah called. "Are you two okay?" Emma asked. "We're good." I said. "Yeah." Troy said. "I can't believe, how easily that guy took us down." Gia said.

"You got in the way, the problem was not your opponent. It was you." Robo Knight said. "Hey, Troy, and Jax were just trying to defend us, so we could retreat to the shade." Jake said. "They did it, to protect us." Emma said.

"There it lies the problem with humans, you worry about too much, about each other. If you hadn't interfered, I would've finished him." Robo Knight said, as he left. "What a machine." Gia said. "What a jerk." Jake said.

"I'm glad you two figured it out, in time. The two of you saved us." Noah said. "He'll be back though." Emma said. "We know." I said. "This one will be hard to beat." Troy said.


Me, and Troy got on the roof Robo Knight was at. "Robo Knight." I called. "About what you said earlier at the park, we have been thinking about how to beat Shadow Serpent." Troy said. "Well, you gave us an idea." I said. "Like you, the monster thinks working as a team, is a weakness." Troy said.

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