Chapter Two: He Blasted Me With Science

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Narrator POV

At school, Troy remembers an earlier encounter with Creepox. Creepox had vowed to test him and the humans, but Troy refused to fight him to prove himself. After class, Jake offers to walk Gia home to get to know each other. Gia asked if Jax wants to walk with them, but he says Troy asked him that he needed some help with something. Noah goes to return Mr. Burley's scarf which he'd left in class. Once in his office, he sees Mr. Burley's conspiracy wall. Mr. Burley is amazed that Noah would show an interest in UFOs and the unexplained.


We are now at our lockers, after the Pop Quiz. Gia was checking her Morpher. "Hey, Gia." Jake greeted. Gia quickly shuts her locker, but stops when she sees it's Jake. "Oh, it's only you." Gia said. "I guess, I had worst reactions." Jake said. "I don't want some random kid to see my Morpher." Gia said.

"I just, wanted to ask if I could walk you home." Jake said. "What? You gonna walk by yourself?" Gia said. "No, I just wanted to talk to you." Jake said. "You coming, Jax?" Gia asked. "No, you guys go, Troy asked me to help him with something." I said. "Well, okay, be careful." Gia said. "I always am." I said.


Me, and Troy were jogging, and our Morphers beeped. "Guys, it's Gia! We've got trouble at the beach! It's crawling with Loogies!" Gia said. "Don't worry, Gia!" I said. "We're on our way!" Troy said. "Let's go!" I said. We went toward the beach.


Me, and Troy arrived.

"Heads up!" Troy said.

"We've got your back!" I said.

We fired at the Loogies.

"Welcome to the party!" Gia said.

We continue fighting the Loogies, with our weapons.

"What a magnificent sight! Four Power Rangers, what luck, let's start my experiment right now!" Yuffo said, as he attacks us.

We fell to the ground.

"...Proton Blast!" Yuffo said.

Suddenly he was attacked.

"We won't let injuries stop us!" Emma said.

"Thanks, Emma!" I said.

"He keeps talking about those experiment!" Troy said.

"He thinks he's a scientist!" Jake said.

"I get it, he wants to see what makes us tick, and he's gonna start with those people over there!" Emma said.

"Probably wants to see what weapons, work best on humans!" Emma said.

"That's not gonna happen!" Troy said.

"We won't allow it!" I said.

We continue attacking the Loogies.

"Snake Ax!"

"Tiger Claw!"

"Phoenix Shot!"

"Leviathan Scythe!"

"Dragon Sword!"

We shouted, as we defeated the Loogies.

"Saucer Waves!" Yuffo shouted, as he attacks us.

We fell to the ground.

"Excellent, kinetic attacks are proving highly effective, and fatigue enhances their effects!" Yuffo said.

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