Chapter Four: Stranger Ranger

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A/N: Again. I haven't finish writing the last two Chapters of "Coral" yet. So, here's this chapter. I'll finished them, and publish them tomorrow.


Me, Troy, and Emma are at Ernie's. "Hey, Jax. Hey, Troy." Emma greeted. "Hey." Me, and Troy greeted. "What are you up to?" Troy asked. "Just helping Ernie with the recycling, everybody is gonna be here soon. Is everything alright?" Emma asked. 

"Yeah, nothing. Just been having the strangest dreams lately." Troy said. "Maybe you've been a bit stress lately, stress can sometime cause strange dreams." I said. "Yeah, maybe." Troy said.

We looked over to a table, and saw someone talking. "What gives?" Troy asked. "That guy over there, he's saying he's the Red Power Ranger." Ernie said. "What?" I said. "Really?" Troy said. We continued watching the guy, talking to everyone.

"Wow, can you believe that faker?" Emma said. "Yeah, can you believe it? I mean Troy's one of a kind. You're special." I said. I didn't notice the look Troy, and Emma gave me. "You gonna do anything about it?" I asked. Troy broke out from his stare. "Yeah, I'm gonna take these to the recycling bin." Troy said, as he left.


Everyone else came to Ernie's, and sat at the table. "What's going on?" Jake asked. "That guys has been telling everybody, that he's the Red Power Ranger." Emma said. "What?" Noah said. We continued listening to their conversations.

"Oh, you gotta be kidding me." Jake said. "Just some guy, looking for attention, you can relate right?" Gia asked jokingly. "Yeah, can you believe that guy. Troy's special, and there's no one else who can replace him." I said.

Everyone looked at me. I was confused. "What?" I asked. "Nothing." Gia, and Emma said. While the others shook their heads. I was left confused.


Our Morphers suddenly beeped. All of us were about to leave. "Help! There's a monster attacking the city!" A guy said. We were at the exit. "What's wrong, Jake?" Emma asked. "What's he gonna do now?" Jake questioned.

The guy stood up, and left towards the area. "We're losing time, come on!" Gia said. We left through the back.

"Go Go Megaforce!" I shouted, as all of us Morphed, while running. "We gotta get there, before that guy becomes monster food!" Noah said.


We arrived at the area, where the monster, and the guy who is Jordan are.

"Hey, stop!" Jake said.

"Why, don't you deal with someone, who can actually fight back!" Emma said.

"Rangers!" Dragonflay said.

"Leave this to us, I need to get you to safety, come on! We've gotta go now, as you can see, it's gonna get busy!" Troy said, as he brings Jordan to safety.

"Okay, they're clear!" I said.

We got attacked, and fell to the ground.

"Strike! One hit from Dragonflay, and you're all down! Guess you guys aren't up to speed! We insects are taking over this entire world! None of your little Rangers' tricks can stop me, I'll take you down, fast and furious!" Dragonflay said, as he sped off.

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