Chapter Sixteen: The Human Condition

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I am in an open field with Troy, as I watched him practice martial arts. Robo Knight came over. "Hi." Troy greeted. "Hey, Robo Knight." I greeted. "What are tears?" Robo Knight asked. "What?" Me, and Troy said. "I want to know why humans cry." Robo Knight said.

"Because we do." Troy said. "But why?" Robo Knight asked. "You should probably ask Emma, she probably knows more about tears than us." I said. "Right." Robo Knight said, as he went looking for Emma.

"You're doing great, Troy." I said. "Thanks, Jax." Troy said.

Troy changed back into his outfit. Our Morphers beeped. "A monster has appeared near the... Station." Tensou said. "We're on our way, Tensou." Troy said. "Call the others. Let's go." I said. We went to the location.


We arrived at the location.

"Glad you could make it, Rangers! Finally we could meet in person, I am Malkor!" Malkor said.

"You don't know, who you're messing with!" Gia said.

"Yeah, how do you even spell that? M-a-l-what?" Jake said.

"It spells Earth's doom!" Malkor said.

"Alright guys! It's Morphin' Time!" Troy shouted.

"Go Go Megaforce!" All of us shouted, as we Morphed.

"Here he comes!" Troy said.

We begin attacking Malkor, with our weapons.

"My Axe will cut you all down to size!" Malkor said.

"Face it, Rangers! The fact is, I possessed much greater power, than you could ever imagined!" Malkor said, as he attacked me, and Troy, and we fell to the ground.

"Pathetic!" Malkor said.

"Rangers, charge!" Emma said, as they begin attacking Malkor.

"These are the Rangers, who defeated all of my soldiers? Such fools to attack me with my new power!" Malkor said, as he threw Emma.

"Emma, are you okay?" Gia asked.

Malkor attacked them, and they fell.

"Did you miss us?" Troy said, as we begin attacking Malkor.

Malkor attacked us, and we fell to the ground.

"Beating you has been surprisingly easy! But you are just a small part of the plan, I will only feel satisfaction when your entire world trembles before me, and meets it end!" Malkor said.

"We'll never tremble before you!" Troy said.

"Where is Robo Knight?" Gia asked.

"Tensou must've already called him!" Emma said.

"But where is he?" I said.

"I'm sure that he's on his way!" Troy said.

"But we could us him now!" Jake said.


"You fools, still think you can fight me?" Malkor said.

"Let's do it!" I said.

We got out our Power Cards.

"Twistornado Card!"

"Rockrush Card!"

"Seashower Card!"

"Activate!" All of us shouted, but it didn't work.

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