Chapter Three: Going Viral

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A/N: I haven't finish writing the last few chapters of "Coral" yet. So, have this Chapter instead.

3rd POV

Jax, Troy, Gia, and Emma are walking outside. Emma walks over to Gia. "Gia, did you notice that Troy has a crush on Jax?" Emma asked. "Really?" Gia asked. They look over to Troy, and Jax who were talking to each other.

"Yeah, I can see that. But I'm also wondering if Jax notice that he has a crush on Troy, I can see it, but Jax is a bit dense when it comes to these feelings. So he might not notice it yet." Gia said. Emma nodded in agreement.

"Also, do you think Jake might like have a little crush on you?" Emma asked. "Didn't notice." Gia said. "Well, what are you gonna do about it?" Emma asked.


"Woah! Did you guys see that?" Gia asked. We stopped walking, and saw civilians turning into Loogies. "Woah." Troy said. "Not good." I said. Civilians begin running. "Tensou tell Gosei, we got  a situation!" Troy said.

"It's Morphin' Time!" Troy shouted, as we held our Power cards, and placed it into our Morphers.

"Go Go Megaforce!" All of us shouted, as we Morphed.

"Megaforce Red!"

"Megaforce Gold!"

"Megaforce Yellow!"

"Megaforce Pink!"

"We have to find a way to do this, without hurting them!" Troy said.

"Yes, Troy. Remember they're just innocent people, it's not their fault that they mutated." Gosei said.

"Than how do we stop them?" Emma asked.

"You'll have to work together, to figure out a way." Gosei said.

"I'm thinking this group, won't give us the time to figure that out!" Gia said.

"We gotta think of something!" I said.


"Now there's even more of them! We can't hurt them!" Troy said.

"So, what can we do?" Emma asked.

"We need to get to higher ground, where they can't reach us!" I said.

"I know just the place, follow me!" Troy said.

We followed Troy.


Troy, Gia, and Emma are on the container.

"Jax, hurry! They're right behind you! Come on, get up here!" Gia said.

"Jax, there's too many of them! Hurry!" Troy said.

I grabbed onto his hand, and he lifts me up.

"Thanks, you're right there's too many!" I said.

"So, what do we do now?" Emma asked.

"Jake! Noah! Where are you guys?" Troy asked, through his Morpher.

"Sorry, we ran into the freaky monster that's spreading this nasty virus!" Jake said.

"Jake, we got our hands full of Loogies!" I said.

"We gotta stop them, without hurting them!" Emma said.

"Sounds tricky!" Jake said.

"We can't let him infect anymore innocent people!" Gia said.

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