Chapter Thirteen: Gosei Ultimate

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We arrived where Bigs, and Bluefur are.

"Hold it right there!" Troy said.

"Well, well, the Power Runts are here!" Bluefur said.

"Be careful, he's got that Aurora Box again!" Noah said.

"And he's using it to spread toxic waste!" Emma said.

"We brought you some of the slimes we grew up in!" Bluefur said.

"It was your choice to make this planet bad for you, and good for us!" Bigs said.

"We juts cooked it a little bit for ya, and made it badder!" Blurfur said.

"Than we'll clean it all up, including them!" Gia said.

"You're not getting away with this!" I said.

"Let's start! It's Morphin' Time!" Troy shouted.

"Go Go Megaforce!" All of us shouted, as we Morphed.

"Megaforce Black!"

"Megaforce Blue!"

"Megaforce Pink!"

"Megaforce Gold!"

"Megaforce Red!"

"Megaforce Yellow!"

"Earth's Defenders, Never Surrender!" All of us shouted.

"Ha, so you wanna get dirty!" Bluefur said.

"We'll wipe that dirty smile off your face!" Gia said.

All of us begin fighting with our weapons.

Me, Troy, Jake, and Gia were fighting Bluefur.

Noah, and Emma were fighting Bigs.

"Watch out for his spin attack!" Troy said.

"Dragon Sword!"

"Leviathan Scythe!"

"Welcome to the club, Red, and Gold!" Bluefur said, as he attacked us.

All of us continue attacking.

All of us regrouped.

"You think you're beating us, but this smoke tells a different story!" Bigs said.

"You're really just helping us release more toxic fumes!" Bluefur said.

"Let's finish them off!" Troy said.

"Agreed!" I said.

"Combine Megaforce Blaster!" All of us shouted, as we formed the Megaforce Blaster.

"Dynamic Victory Charge!" All of us shouted, as we fired at them.

We turned around.

Suddenly we were trapped.

"Didn't your mommy, tell you to never turn your backs on mutants?" Bluefur said, as he attacked us.

We fell to the ground.

"No way! Our blast didn't even scratch them!" Emma said.

"Allow me, to scratch your edge!" Bigs said, as he attacked us.

We fell to the ground, and de-morphed.

"Impossible!" Noah said.

"Don't you get it? The Aurora Box has made us, a hundred times stronger than before!" Bluefur said.

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