Chapter Eighteen: End Game

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All of us rushed to where Troy is. Troy was shirtless, if I wasn't too worried about the attack, I would be blushing, right now. "We just got word! There's a new attack a big one!" I said. "We knew this was coming, this is it than. Let's go!" Troy said, as he puts on his shirt. All of us rushed toward the location.


All of us rushed toward the location.

The robots begin firing at us.

"There's so many of them!" Emma said.

"Where did they come from?" Jake asked.

"Metal Alice, must've reached mass destruction level, but I can't still believe how many!" Noah said.

"Something's definitely going on!" I said.

"We'll be ready for anything!" Troy said.

"Than what are we waiting for?" Gia said.

"Right!" Noah said.

"It's Morphin' Time!" Troy shouted.

"Go Go Megaforce!" All of us shouted, as we Morphed.

"Megaforce Red!"

"Megaforce Gold!"

"Megaforce Yellow!"

"Megaforce Black!"

"Megaforce Pink!"

"Megaforce Blue!"

All of us got out our weapons, and begin fighting the Loogies.

"This massive robot attack, must be what Vrak was planning!" Gia said.

"He's throwing Loogies, at us to slow us down!" Jake said.

"We got to take out these Loogies, and take out those robots ASAP!" Troy said.

"Agree!" I said.

"There must be hundreds of them! Keep it up!" Jake said.

"Shark Bowgun!" Noah shouted.

"Phoenix Shot!" Emma shouted.

The both of them attacked the Loogies.

All of us were still fighting the Loogies.

"Leviathan Scythe!" I shouted, as I attacked the Loogies.

"Time to try out, my new move!" I said.

I threw my Leviathan Scythe, and it acts like a boomerang, it attacks the Loogies, and return back to me.

"I call that the, Leviathan Scythe: Boomerang Twister!" I said.

Robo Knight appeared, and attacked the Loogies.

All of us regrouped.

"Good job, Robo Knight! Now to take out, those robots!" Troy said.

"Sky Dynamic!"

"Land-Sea Dynamic!"

"Knight Dynamic!"

All of us shouted, as we destroyed the robots.

"Got them!" Emma said.

"Is that all of them?" Noah asked.

"Look out!" Robo Knight said.

"Defenstream!" Me, and Noah shouted, as we blocked the incoming attack.

"Look, we have a new visitor!" I said.

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