Chapter Five: United We Stand

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We appeared, Morphed at the location.

"We made it! Now what?" Jake said.

"These are the coordinates!" Noah said.

"Let's check it out!" Troy said.

Loogies appeared.

"Loogies!" Emma said.

"I'm sure they're not alone!" Noah said.

"Well, when there's, Loogies there's usually more trouble!" Troy said.

"Yeah!" I said.

"You, Rangers look smaller in person!" Vrax said.

"Woah, who's this guy?" Jake asked.

"Too scared, to come down and fight?" Gia said.

"Fear, isn't in my vocabulary! But you should be afraid, especially now!" Vrax said.

"Why now?" I said.

"What do you want from us?" Noah said.

"What do any alien beings, want to do with any civilizations! Loogies, attack!" Vrax said.

All of us begin fighting the Loogies.

"Why is he just standing there?" Troy asked.

"Yeah, what's he up to?" I asked.

"It's creepy, it's like he's watching us, as if we're rats in a lab!" Noah said.

"We gotta go!" Troy said.

"Let's examine you up close!" Vrax said, as he summoned more Loogies.

"Loogies, attack!" Vrax ordered, as the Loogies went after us.

"You're Loogies, don't scare us!" Gia said.

"Mega Blasters!" All of us shouted, as we grabbed our Mega Blasters.

We begin fighting the Loogies, with our Mega Blasters.

Vrax suddenly left.

"Why did he leave now?" Troy said.

The Loogies disappeared.

"Woah, they sure pack it up pretty quick!" Troy said.

All of us de-morphed.

"Wow, you girls rock!" Jake said. "In sync and fearless." Noah said. "Yes, we were. You guys, were great too." Emma said, as she and Gia hugged. "Well, we love to hang around, but Emma has photos to print, catch ya, later." Gia said, as they left.


Me, Troy, Gia, and Emma appeared, Morphed. Where The monster, Noah, and Jake are.

"Mega Blast!" We shouted, as we fired at Beezara.

"Jake! Noah!" I called.

"Hey!" Emma said.

"Are you okay?" Gia asked.

"What happened?" Emma asked.

"Hello girls, how did the photos turn out?" Beezara asked.

"Huh? How did you know?" Emma asked.

Beezara said something, and fired at us.

"Look out!" Troy said.

"Dragon Sword!" Troy shouted.

"Leviathan Scythe!" I shouted.

Me, and Troy begin attacking Beezara.

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