Chapter Nine: Prince Takes Knight

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All of us are at Ernie's. "I can't believe how awesome, Robo Knight was. All that power, and speed." Noah said. "But, how come, Gosei didn't tell us about him before?" Emma asked. "He's probably embarrassed. He says Robo Knight has lost some memories, he doesn't recognize Gosei's authority." Jake said.

"And he thinks he needs to work alone." Noah said. "He's reckless." Jake said. "I think Robo Knight, kicks butt. He'd make a great addition to our team." Gia said. I nodded my head in agreement. "What do you think, Troy?" I asked.

"I've been having these dreams, and Robo Knight is in them." Troy said. "Cool." Emma said. "Some scientist believes that dreams, sometime foretells the future." Noah said. "Oh, come on." Jake said.

"Troy, if the dreams are telling the future, what else are in them?" I asked. "There's a big battle, but the dreams were fuzzy. That's why I've never mention them before." Troy said. "Well, is Robo Knight at least fighting on our side?" Jake asked.

"I think so, I'm not sure." Troy said.

Troy's Morpher beeped. "We're being called." Troy said. All of us left.


We arrived at the location.

"Quick, before anyone gets hurt!" Troy said.

"It's Morphin Time!" All of us shouted, as we Morphed.

"Megaforce Blue!"

"Megaforce Yellow!"

"Megaforce Black!"

"Megaforce Pink!"

"Megaforce Gold!

"Megaforce Red!"

"Figures, that as soon as I'm all amped up! The Power Rangers, make an appearance!" Psychotick said.

"Stop right there!" Troy said.

"Ha! After draining all of that energy, I've got power to burn! And what better way to use it, than to obliterate you, Rangers!" Psychotick said.

"Shut him down, Rangers!" Troy said.

"Mega Blaster!" All of us shouted, as we fired at him.

"Right back at ya!" Psychotick said, as he deflected our attacks, and attacked us.

We fell to the ground.

"Now, that's what I called amusement! And here's more!" Psychotick said.

We begin fighting Psychotick.

Jake, and Gia got thrown.

"Are you okay?" Emma asked.

"Tick Attack- What?!" Psychotick said.

Robo Knight appeared.

"Robo Knight!" Troy said.

"He's here!" I said.

"Time for the main event!" Psychotick said.

"Robo Knight Morph!"

"Good timing, Robo Knight!" Troy said.

"Yeah!" I said.

"He's tough, but together we can take him!" Noah said.

"I will handle it alone!" Robo Knight said.

"Let's see you handle this! I've been itching to fight you!" Psychotick said.

They begin fighting.

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