Chapter Six: Harmony and Dizchord

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A/N: I was originally going to skip this Chapter, but than I found a use for the Bonus Part. Also I will take out the song, if I have to.


Me, and Troy were running up a hill. Troy has invited me, to go jogging with him. We saw Emma. "Huh?" Troy said. "Emma?" I said. "Hey, wait up!" Troy said. "Emma!" I called. Emma didn't heard us, and continued cycling.


Me, and Troy were jogging down the path, Emma went. We saw her bike, and went over to it. We heard singing, and followed it. The both of us saw Emma singing. Emma turns around, and saw us. "Troy, Jax, what are you doing here?" Emma asked.

"Sorry, we saw you earlier, but you didn't hear us." Troy said. "Emma, you're an incredible singer." I said. "Thanks, I get that from my mom. I 'd remember she'd sing that song. Each year when the trees came into bloom. It's probably where my love of nature came from." Emma said.

"Singing to the trees, reminds me of her." Emma said. "It's getting late, we better hurry. or we're gonna be late for school." Troy said.

Troy left, toward the road. "Hey, Jax." Emma called. I hummed in response. "How come I never hear you sing anymore?" Emma asked. "Well, I'm not really a good singer." I said. "No, you're a good singer, I heard it before." Emma said. "Well, I haven't sing in a while. So, I'm not sure if my singing skills is still good. Now come on, we don't want to be late for school." I said. 


We are outside, and suddenly we heard something painful. We covered our ears. "What is that horrible sound?" Emma said. "It's painful!" I said.

Troy's Morpher beeped. He grabbed it, but dropped it. "Rangers, there's a monster attack at the city's plaza!" Tensou said. I grabbed Troy's Morpher. "We're here! Right next to the plaza!" I said. I handed Troy's Morpher back to him.

"Troy! Jax! Emma! Troy, it's too loud, can you hear me?" Gia asked. "Just meet us, at the plaza!" Troy said. We begin heading toward the plaza.


We appeared, Morphed in the plaza.

"This sound is hurting my brain!" Troy said.

"Mine, as well!" I said.

"Mine, too!" Emma said.

"Really? It just sounds loud to me!" Gia said.

"Yeah, it's bad, but it's not that bad!" Jake said.

"It must be because we were closer, when the verse started!" Troy said.

"That's not good!" I sad.

We begin getting the civilians to safety.

"Come on, you all need to get to safety!" Emma said.

"I can't take much more of this Emma, Jax!" Troy said.

"You said it!" I said.

"Turn off that noise!" Noah said.

"Huh Noise, how dare you! I'm the greatest musician in the entire universe!" Dizchord said, as he stopped his music.

"What?" Troy said.

"Is he serious?" I asked.

"No one, gives me a bad review! Loogies, attack!" Dizchord said.

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