Chapter Twelve: Dream Snatcher

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A/N: At this point, Jax already told Noah, and Jake that he is gay.


Me, Troy, and Gia walked to where the others are. "Wow, that's a lot of wishes." Troy said. I hummed in agreement. "Sure is. Whenever I saw a shooting star, my dad would tell me to make a wish, and it would come true. But I get so excited, that I forget my wish." Emma said. 

"So, I decided to write them all down." Emma said. "Remember the wish, that you always wish would come true?" Gia asked me. "Come on, sis. You know that's like a long time ago." I said. "Not really, because I heard that you recently wished for it again." Gia said.

"What was your wish, Jax?" Emma asked. "Come on, now. Tell them." Gia nudged my shoulder. "Okay, okay. My wish is to start a family-" I said. The others looked at me. "-with my husband, and maybe adopting one or two kids. But that might be hard to come true." I finished.

"I don't know, who knows, maybe it'll come true." Gia said. "Yeah, maybe." I said, as I smiled. I was unaware of Troy staring at me, but the others were a bit aware of it. Jake started to talk about writing his wishes.

"That's a good idea, I should write my wish down." Jake said. "You know, you have to say your wishes out loud." Noah said. They began talking to each other. "I'll race you back to Ernie's Brain Freeze, last one there pays." Jake said to Noah.

"Come on!" Jake said. The boys, except for me, begin running to Ernie's. "Hurry up, guys!" Noah said.

Me, Gia, and Emma laughed a bit. We begin walking down the hill. "Let's show them, how it's done." Gia said.


We are at Ernie's, and the others just arrived. "Man, we beat the girls, and Jax, here. Yeah, I guess they're buying." Jake said. "Come on, Jake. Don't let Jax, and the girls buy, we're gentlemen." Troy said.

"He's right, if you ever want your wish to come true, you'll buy." Noah said. "Uh, guys. Look at the counter." Troy said. Noah, and Jake look towards the counter, to find us already there.

We turned around to faced them, and held up our drinks.

After finishing our drinks, we placed the empty cups, on the counter. "How?" Jake asked. "I hike everyday, I know every shortcut in town." Emma said.

"We already ordered, so if you can bring it over to our table, when it's ready." Gia said. "And don't forget to pay." I said.

All of us were at the table, suddenly our Morphers beeped, and we went toward the location.


We arrived at the location, Morphed. And a bunch of civilians are running.

"What is that?" Jake asked.

We went over, and found a bunch of civilians on the ground, with roots attached to them.

"What happened to them?" Troy said.

"This can't be good!" I said.

"What's happening?" Jake said.

"They've grown roots." Gia said.

We saw a monster.

"You must be the, Rangers! I've been hearing about!" Dream Snatcher said.

"What are you doing to these people?" Noah asked.

"Just dining on these useless dreams, of these useless humans!" Dream Snatcher said.

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