Go Check Out Book 2 - Prism

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Hello there readers.

I want to say Thank You for reading this book.

Now don't be sad, 'cause The Second & Final Book of The Fragile Duology is out now. Only the "Meet Jaxson "Jax" Moran" Chapter.

It's called Prism.

The First Chapter will be published tomorrow. But if you want to, please check out the Updated "Meet Jaxson "Jax" Moran" Chapter.

I will also be making a bunch of books for my other OCs. Once I finish the previous Power Rangers Books.

In Prism. I will be revealing a lot of my Rangers MaleOCs. They will be reveal when the Tribute Chapters are published.

Only their: Name, Appearance, Love Interest, Ranger Color, Family Members.
There will also be additional Info about some of them.

Hope you all enjoy!

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