Chapter Fourteen: The Human Factor

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A/N: I'm skipping the episode "Rico the Robot".


Me, Troy, Noah, and Jake are at the park playing soccer. Gia, and Emma are somewhere else talking.


Me, Troy, and Noah were passing the soccer ball to each other. We looked over, and saw Jake taking photos of Gia, and Emma. "Beautiful!" Noah said. Jake starts to walk backwards. Troy stopped Noah, while I shushed him.

Jake bumped into the trashcan, and fell onto it. All of us laughed. Suddenly Troy's Morpher beeped. "Tensou." Troy said. "There is a monster attacking the warehouse district." Tensou said. "We're on it." I said. We left toward the location.


We arrived at the location.

"What kind of monster is that?" Jake asked.

"That's not a monster, that's a robot!" Noah said.

"Either way! It's Morphin' Time!" Troy shouted.

"Go Go Megaforce!" All of us shouted, as we Morphed.

"Megaforce Red!"

"Megaforce Gold!"

"Megaforce Yellow!"

"Megaforce Blue!"

"Megaforce Pink!"

"Megaforce Black!"

"Power Rangers, huh? Let me show you how I roll!" Rotox said, as he turned into a wheel.

"Time to wheel out!" Rotox said, as he went after us.

Rotox attacked us.

"What a blast!" Rotox said, as he attacked us again.

We fell to the ground.

"Human beings really are weak! You'll never breakthrough my defenses! Magnet Beam!" Rotox shouted, as he created a shield.

"Megaforce Blaster!" All of us shouted, as we fired at him, but it got deflected.

"Not a scratch!" Rotox said.

"What?" Noah said.

"How?" Emma said.

"My shield can protect me, but nothing can protect you, from my shield!" Rotox said, as he attacked us with  his shield.

We fell to the ground.

"No way!" Gia said.

Robo Knight appeared.

"Stop right there!" Robo Knight said.

"Another Ranger?" Rotox said.

"Wait, no Bioscience? What are you? Are you a robot? Like me?" Robo Knight said.

"Not like you, Robo Knight!" I said.

"He's evil!" Troy said.

"Oh, so you're the Robo Knight? I've been wanting to meet you!" Rotox said, as he attacked Robo Knight, and he got pushed back.

"No!" Jake said.

"Robo Knight!" Me, and Troy called.

"Hang on!" Gia said.

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