Chapter 13: Time Travel (For Real This Time)

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'I knew it.'

"Harry?!" My companions shouted in disbelief.

Indeed. Harry Potter was in Narnia.

" I know you?" Harry asked, moving his eyes towards the D.T.C. and back to me, confused.

"Oh, my apologies. We thought you were someone else." I said, smiling sweetly.

"Oh, it's fine. My name's Harry. Harry Potter." He said, taking out his hand to shake.

"Kora Bonaventure." I lied, shaking his hand. "Funny, you have the same first name as our friend. Now if you'll excuse us, we have to get going."

"Oh, no problem. Good luck finding your friend!" Harry said with a wave.

"Come on, where no one can see us." I muttered to Steven, heading towards the castle garden.

"Kora Bonaventure?" Johnny asked with a raised eyebrow once the area was secure. Curse his observant self.

I scratched the back of my neck. "Traveler Code, Rule number Five. Never give your true name or full name to a character unless required, especially... in realms like this. It's a precautionary measure. Don't want our names to suddenly turn up in a book now, do we?"

"Realms like this?" Danny repeated, ignoring my last sentence. "Does it have to do with the fact that Harry is here in Narnia?"

"Right. Unfortunately, we ended up in a fanfiction realm. Its title is probably 'The King's Reign' or something since the portal dropped us here." I explained.

"But the portal turned the same color as a time travel portal!" Steven pressed, jabbing his thumb in the direction we came from.

"It must've gone haywire or something." I said, internally cringing.

They weren't entirely convinced.

"Come on, we can't waste any more time." I turned around to create a portal.

"Take us to Narnia, year 302." I said, willing the magic to work. 'Hopefully this will be right.'

We stepped through the portal and into... yes! The Shuddering Wood near Lantern's Waste. The sun's position was somewhere low in the west, making the trees cast long shadows on the narrow dirt path. I looked at my com-link.

'6th Day of January in Year 302, 18:27pm'

"Okay, we're in the right place now." I announced.

"More like the right time." Max snickered.

I rolled my eyes. "The King must be around here somewhere. Remember, we need to get the garnet before the Calormene ambush. If not, we'll be forced to stay a little longer."

Suddenly, there was a sound of galloping horses. "They're coming this way!" Steven exclaimed.

We were too late to hide as a scout came bursting through the trees. "Halt in the name of the King!" he shouted. The rest of the army appeared with the King leading them.

"What brings you to these parts of the woods, strangers? You're far too close to the fire-flower garden here." The king said.

Steven and I looked at each other, silently deciding which one would answer and how much to answer. "We are on a journey, Your Majesty." I replied, bowing. "We seek a garnet of power."

"A garnet, eh? It so happens that I am in possession of one. Quite powerful, too. I will give it to you, but for a price." The king offered.

"Name it... Your Majesty." Max said, the last two words rolling awkwardly off his tongue.

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