Chapter 9: Annoyances and... Other Hoods?

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"So what's—" I was going to say 'What's the game plan?' but everyone in the room suddenly froze.

I tensed and immediately stood up, taking out my Keyblade. "Who's there?"

"I come in peace, Crystal Rockwell." A woman's voice rang out.

I looked at Max. Behind him was a figure in a white cloak, a hood covering her face. It looked like a standard Traveler cloak, but with the addition of intricate silver designs on the edges. I knew exactly who it was.

"My lady, what brings you here?" I asked, bowing my head slightly and putting my right arm across my chest in a kind of salute.

"I bring grave news,young protégée. While in search of the others, your master fell in combat. The Tainted One made sure of it." She said sadly, using Red Hood's other name. "You know the consequences of his death. A meeting is being held with the rest. What's left of us, I'm afraid. You know what to do."

I slowly sat down, taking in what she said. "I hear and obey, my lady." I replied right before she disappeared through a portal. Once she was gone, everything unfroze.

"Crystal?" Steven asked. I could sense the concern in his voice.                                                     

"I have to go... somewhere." Ugh, bad choice of words, Rockwell! "Catch me up on the plan later. Bye!" I ran out the door before any questions rose up.

'Hey, uh, friend? Yes, I'm talking to you. I know you're watching right now. This meeting of mine is restricted so go over to my brother first. Thanks. Bye!' Okay. That was weird.

But right now... my master is dead. Now I have to take his place.


"What was that about?" Raj asked.

"Never mind that. Let's just continue." I said, trying to focus on the task at hand instead of where Crystal could've gone. It probably wasn't that effective since Max and Johnny seemed to notice.

Crystal is almost always running off. One second, she's here and the next, she's not. How am I supposed to tell her about...? Well, that's not important right now. 

"Okay, so we've minimized Red Hood's attacks but we need his location to completely stop him. Jarvis, got anything?" I asked.

"No sir. But according to my calculations, he made an appearance in Hogsmeade over three hours ago."

"Hogsmeade? Crystal went there, didn't she?" Lazlo said.

"Yeah. So that means..." I groaned and put a hand to my face.

"We have to wait for Crystal for more information." Hailow finished. "Wonder why she didn't tell us about that in her report."

"I guess we should just monitor our assigned dimensions for more attacks until Crystal gets back." Johnny suggested. "Hopefully, that'll be before tomorrow morning."

"Where did she go anyway?" I rhetorically asked, getting more and more irritated by the minute. I took out my com-link and tried contacting Crystal.

"Talk to the hand 'cause the face ain't home. Leave a message at the tone. Beep." Crystal's 'answering machine' said.

I blinked. "Um, Crystal? Call me when you get this, okay? Bye." I turned the connection off before saying, "Crystal, you are so gonna get it later."

Max snickered. "Wasn't that answering machine phrase from when we were kids? That Barney movie?"

"Max? Don't." I said, noticing the glint in his eye that signaled trouble. It was always like that when he planned on playing tricks on someone, particularly Crystal.

"Killjoy." Max muttered, crossing his arms in front of him.

"Okay, meeting adjourned for now." I said reluctantly, standing up. "Patrol your assigned realms and contact one of us if there's any news from Crystal. Jarvis, keep searching buddy. I know you can do it."

"I will do my best, sir." Jarvis replied.

With that, I went off to Camp Half-blood.


"It is a pleasure to see you again, Sir Johnny."

"The pleasure is all mine, Gianna. And please, just call me Johnny. We've known each other for five years." I told the dryad standing before me.

"Yes... Johnny. I would like to thank you again for saving Narnia from the battle with the Calormenes." Gianna replied, blushing ever so slightly.

"It is my job and my honor to protect the Narnians from harm." I smiled, but in my head I was chanting, 'Get me out of here. Get me out of here.'

"I was on my way to the castle gardens. Would you care to join me?" she asked, batting her eyelids at me.

Oh, no. I can't stand another minute with her, but my conscience would beat me up for declining her offer since I was going there myself. Aslan, save me now. "Of course, Gianna. I was on my way there, actually." I replied, my muscles aching from the fake smile plastered on my face.

"Johnny? Peter wants to see you in his study right now. Oh, hello Gianna!" a voice called out joyfully.

'Thank you, Lucy!'

"Okay, Your Majesty. I'll be right there." I replied, trying not to smile too widely. "If you'll excuse me, Gianna." I bowed to her and she curtsied back.

I made my way down the hall, trying not to go too fast. The Valiant queen had the nerve to giggle as she caught up with me. "So what's up with you and Gianna?"

"Absolutely nothing. She's been acting like this since your coronation, five years ago. " I replied. "I've tried to avoid her, but... are all dryads so clueless?"

Lucy was still laughing by the time we reached the study. "What's so funny?" Peter asked curiously.

"Oh, I just saved Johnny from an extra hour of flirting with Gianna." Lucy replied, sobering up slightly.

"Really now?" Peter said, raising his eyebrow in an amused manner. "Well, this won't take long. Once we're finished, you can go right back to where you left off."

"There is no way I'm going back there." I muttered.


After my discussion with Peter on the changes in border patrol, I decided to explore the library. I figured that it would be the last place Gianna would think to go look for me.


I received a message from Crystal: "Meet in five."

"Hm." I checked the time in my com-link. "Well, I still have a little time to"

I froze as I heard the library doors creak open. "Johnny, are you in here?" Gianna's voice rang out.

"Uh-oh. Time to go." I muttered.

I went through a portal and found everyone already in the Technolab, about to sit down. Everyone, that is, except Crystal and Steven. The Rockwell siblings were nowhere to be found. As I took my seat beside Max, however, Steven came in with a stunned expression on his face.

"You okay, Steven?" Danny asked.

"I—I saw... I saw a..." Steven stuttered.

"What is it?" I asked as Steven sat down.

"There's a Black Hood."

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