Chapter 14: Battles and Answers

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We all weren't aiming to kill, but we had to wound them enough so that they couldn't attack anymore. A few times, we had no choice. The King's men were persistent.

One, block. Two, swing. Three, kick. Four, disarm. Five, knock-out. I went on like this for quite some time, rendering them unconscious by kicking them against a tree. Do not try that at home, kids.

I winced as Johnny shot a soldier in the chest. The soldier would've beheaded Clam if he didn't shoot though, so I shook the image out of my head.

"Crystal, the King took the garnet!" Steven yelled as he kicked the General in the chest. "He went south!"

"On it!" I called back. I reached up for a tree branch and pulled myself up, kicking two soldiers in the process. I looked down at the battle below.

Max was fighting ten soldiers at once, still in the form of Quadroman. The bird head didn't seem to disturb him, but every once in a while he would see his reflection in a soldier's shield and screech in surprise. Clam made cages out of soil while Lazlo and Raj used water whips and winds to place the soldiers inside. Danny had possessed a soldier and was currently making him fight his brethren. Hailow was dancing out of weapon range, putting soldiers to sleep with his music. Johnny and Steven were currently fighting back to back with stun-grapplers and stun-guns in their hands.

Hmm... a-ha! The King was fleeing from the scene with a satchel in his hand. That coward! He's not getting away so easily!

I launched myself off the branch, silently asking the wind to aid me in my flight as I soared through the air. The King yelled in surprise as I tackled him, making him fall off his horse. Scrambling to my feet, I pointed a dagger at his chest.

This reminded me of the time I was sent to hunt Eugene during his thieving days. He always managed to slip away, the little devil. What did I used to say? Ah...

"Enough." I growled as he struggled to get out of my grasp. "Hand over the satchel. Now." I felt another surge of energy in my eyes and allowed it to flow through. From the light feeling in the back of my eyes, I knew they glowed white. The reflection in the King's eyes confirmed that. Thank goodness.

The King handed the satchel over with a terrified look on his face. I opened it and saw three things: the cordial, the garnet, and a fire-flower plant. I took the latter two, stored them in the Duat, and threw the satchel back to him.

"Head back the way we came from and go down the left path. It'll lead you to the village outside Cair Paravel. You will find that your greed has cost you a lot." I seethed.

I began to walk away, leaving the King to just lie there, gasping for breath. But then, a battle cry sounded.


My instincts kicked in and I blocked the blow King Gale had sent. I kicked his shins hard enough to make him fall to his knees, ignoring the throbbing it left in my toes. I leaned in closer until we were inches apart. "I said, enough." My voice was cold and deadly as I glared at him. I cast a charm that made him unconscious and walked away.

"Steven, let's get out of here! This place is giving me the creeps." I called to him.

"If you haven't noticed, I'm a bit busy right now." Steven said through gritted teeth. He was pushing his Keyblade against a soldier's sword in a hopeless contest of strength.

I rolled my eyes and took out my wand. "Immobulus!"

All the soldiers froze. All the living ones at least. Many had died either because of a laser arrow, a sword or broken bones (courtesy of Max).

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