Chapter 6: Meeting at the Burrow

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I Apparated right in front of the Burrow's doorstep and was immediately tackled to the ground by a small figure.

"What—" I looked down in bewilderment to see who or what it was.

"Hi, Crystal! I'm so glad you're here!"A pair of bright brown eyes looked up at me through a mess of red hair.

"Hello there, Lily. What are you doing here?" I smiled down at the little girl still clinging to my waist.

"We're staying here until after the holidays." Lily replied, clambering off me.

"Ah, yes. Your father told me about it. Where's your mother?" I asked, dusting myself off.

"She's in the kitchen with Gran." Lily took a hold of my hand, leading me inside.

But suddenly...


"Lily, get down!" I pushed her inside.


A flash of green light hit the spot I was standing on, two seconds ago. 'Man, that's twice in one day!' I turned to face my attacker.

It was a woman around Teddy's age. She had waist-length brown hair, a 5-inch scar on her left cheek, and a permanent smirk on her face. Her black eyes glittered with malice as she held her wand aloft, the tip aimed directly at my chest.

"Well, well, well. Alexa Carrow, daughter of Amycus Carrow." I said, furtively drawing my wand out of my hoodie pocket. "What brings you out here on such a fine day?"

"Revenge." And on that happy note, she attacked.

We cast spells at each other, back and forth and back and forth and back and... well, you get the gist. The cold winter air nipped at my face as I leaped to the side, dodging the Cruciatus curse thrown at me. Alexa yelled in outrage and she began to attack without much aim, apparently frustrated that I hadn't gone down yet. I knew that with the right opportunity, I'd be able to... "Expelliarmus!"... Disarm her.

"Give up, Carrow. It's over." I stated, keeping my wand pointed at her.

"Not quite." Her smirk grew wider, if that was possible. She pulled out a sword with an emerald hilt. At the same time, big blue monsters came out of the ground. They looked like... Unversed?! Why, oh why did they leave the Kingdom Hearts realm?

I groaned inwardly. I hated consecutive battles. My legs still felt like jelly from the confrontation with Red Hood! But this wasn't a video game where I could just quit and come back after a good night's rest. Going home now would mean leaving the Potters behind to suffer Alexa's wrath. Who knows what the Unversed might do? So I took in a huge breathe and summoned my sword, Fidelis, which had been a gift from... well, a fellow Traveler.

Alexa and the Unversed charged forward in such perfect synchronization, it was scary. I slashed at an Unversed, immediately blocking a blow from Alexa right after. As our blades pushed against one another in a contest of strength, I wondered for a fleeting moment if I could defeat them all. There were at least thirty Unversed creatures here!

"Reducto!" The Unversed I hadn't known was behind me, disintegrated.

"Hello, Ginny. Glad you've come to join the party." I said while dodging a kick from Alexa.

"Couldn't keep me away even if you wanted to. Diffindo!" Ginny said, slashing at an Unversed.

"Stay out of this, Potter!" Alexa snapped.

"Come now, two against thirty-five is more than fair!" I remarked sarcastically.

As soon as she saw an opening, Alexa slashed at my left forearm, managing to place a shallow gash on it. I gritted my teeth against the sting and fought the urge to swing my blade aimlessly at the satisfied look on her face. "Who's taught you how to sword fight, Alexa? You're quite good."

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