Chapter 2: Chaos Has Returned

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The portal dropped me off inside D.T.C Headquarters, just outside Steven's Technolab. I entered the room to find Steven working on an invention of sorts, his back facing me. Perfect.

I silently walked up behind him. He still didn't see me. I took a deep breathe and exclaimed, "What are you doing?"


Oops. Wrong move.

"Crystal! I've been working on this for weeks!" Steven groaned.

"Sorry. What is that anyway?" I asked, gesturing to the small metal contraption that now had a crack right down the middle.

"New protection for Rec. He's going to explore some dangerous realms next week and I'm making sure that nothing can damage him whenhe's out." Steven replied.

"As if that bot needs the protection." I muttered.

"He does. He hasn't been the same since you set him on fire last month." Steven retorted.

"Hey, he would've been fine if he didn't get in the way of my fire spell!"

"Why'd you lose your temper on my Zako soldier anyway?"

"Well, what idiot told him to–"

*Knock* *Knock* *Knock*

"Come in." Steven said, walking over to the white, wooden table we were going to use for the meeting.

The door opened to reveal cousin Max and cousin Johnny, their eyebrows raised questioningly. "Hey, the meeting hasn't even started and you're already fighting?" Max asked with a smirk.

I raised an eyebrow at him and held out my hand, producing a fireball. "Not another word, Max." I said, glaring.

Johnny cleared his throat, catching our attention. "So, what's the meeting about?" he asked, sitting down at the table with Steven.

"Hey, are we late?" Danny asked before Steven could reply, coming in with Hailow and the Elemental Trio in tow.

"Nope. You're just in time." Steven replied. "Let's start. Jarvis?"

A computer screen came out of the ceiling and Jarvis's voice came out of it.

"I have been scanning dimensions for any disturbances and have picked up severe chaos signals all around lately." Jarvis reported.

"The source?" I asked, bracing myself for the worst

Jarvis remained silent for a few seconds, making me worry.

"All signs point to Red Hood, ma'am. He has apparently returned."

I blinked, not sure that I heard him correctly. "What?" I asked, slowly.

"Sis, Red Hood's back." Steven said.

Memories of my last encounter with Red Hood came flooding in my mind. "You've got to be kidding me." I groaned.

The screen showed images of forest fires, houses reduced to rubble, people fighting and several violent scenes I won't care to mention. In short, total chaos.

"He has been spreading disturbances throughout the multiverse, particularly the newly created ones." Jarvis reported.

"Any idea of his current whereabouts?" Johnny asked.

"I'm afraid not, sir."

"Newly created..."I muttered. "You mean like the world of Frozen?"

"Yes, ma'am."

"Spread out to all affected dimensions. Let's meet back here afterwards." Steven ordered.

We all stood up to scan the affected dimensions, but Max was busy tinkering with something under the table. I ducked my head to find him playing with his watch...again.  I rolled my eyes and stomped on his foot.

"Youch!" Max jumped in surprise, hitting his watch on the underside of the table.

"Uh-oh." Danny muttered with an exasperated expression on his face.

We watched as Max slowly transformed. Even Steven took the time to look away from Jarvis's screen to watch. By now, Max was in a suit resembling... a tiger? Just my luck.

"Let me tell you something, Crystal Rockwell! Nobody stomps on Slash's foot and gets away with it! Prepare to meet your doom!" Max, er... Slash yelled.

He raised his fist to punch me. I snapped my fingers and his fist changed direction. He hit his chest instead, where a symbol similar to the one on his watch was. He changed back into 'regular Max' a few seconds later.

"Don't ever do that again." Max said, glaring at me while rubbing his chest.

"Sorry." I said, smirking.

Steven rolled his eyes and went back to studying the computer screen, where Jarvis had displayed the affected dimensions.

"Arendelle, Corona, Brooklyn House, Camp Half-Blood..." Steven muttered. "Burgess? What dimension is that from?"

I rolled my eyes and went closer to the screen. "It's from Rise of the Guardians. Frost's hometown. Wait... Jarvis, are you sure that ALL of these worlds are affected?"

"Yes, ma'am."

"Great." I said with sarcastic enthusiasm, counting them all. "Twenty seven dimensions, forty areas."

"We'll take three dimensions each. If the situation gets out of hand, call for help." Steven said, handing out lists of our assigned areas.

I looked mine over and sighed.

-North Mountain
-Trolls' Home
-Arendelle (Town square)

  How to Train Your Dragon
-Outcast Island
-Island of Berk

  Harry Potter
-The Burrow

Berk?! Of all placesget assigned to Berk?! 

"Steven, I can't go to Berk. I'm not familiar with it anymore." I protested.

"Sorry. The others are taken. Besides, Hiccup and Astrid miss you." Steven said.

"But–" I looked around to find the rest of the D.T.C gone. "Fine. Where is Outcast Island?"

Steven gave me directions and a detailed description of the island and then went off to his first dimension.

Me? I had to 'take' a certain someone home first...

A/NOkay, next chapter is conversation with Crystal. Any questions you want me to add? Please leave them in the comments.

Also, do you have any dimension suggestions? I would greatly appreciate them and will try to add them somehow .

My apologies for the late update. As my best friend says, live under rock. :-/ I'll try to publish the next chapter next week to give time for any questions you have to be added to the chapter. Bye for now, guess. :-)

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