Chapter 5: Egyptian Monsters in Hogsmeade?!

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 I ran outside into the snow, closely followed by Teddy and Hagrid.

"Albus?!" I exclaimed upon seeing the Potter boy standing frozen in the middle of the road. "I thought I told you to go back to Hogwarts?"

"Er, I got a little distracted." He answered shortly. I then noticed the panicked expression on his face.


"What–" I turned around in search of whatever made that deafening sound and set my eyes upon something I did not wish to see ever again. "Tjesu herus?!"

Indeed, the Egyptian two-headed snakes with dragon-like legs were here in Hogsmeade. They were running about, destroying shops here and there.

"Hey! Pick on someone your own size!" I immediately regretted saying that. Not my best catchphrase, really.

Nevertheless, it got their attention. All snake heads turned to look at me, their tongues flicking out nastily as if to say 'Ooh, looks like lunch is served!'

Oh, boy. I summoned my staff and wand from the Duat. "You can try using 'Reducto' or 'Petrificus Totalus' on them." I instructed to Teddy, who was right behind me.

"Aah!" I heard a girl scream from the right.

"Rosie!" Albus exclaimed, running in the direction of Honeydukes.

I ran after him and found Rosie against the wall, throwing... Acid Pops at a tjesu heru. She had probably dropped her wand somewhere in the snow. The slightly emaciated reptile had steam curling from its body, and it looked determined to bite Rosie's head off.

I thrust my staff towards the creature, sending a surge of white-hot energy through the air. The tjesu heru glowed white and exploded, covering everything within a 15-meter radius in... tjesu heru bits. Of course, that included Rosie.

"Eewww!" Rosie exclaimed, looking pretty disgusted but completely unharmed. Well, if you excluded the fact that an Acid Pop was burning a hole through her shoe... and of course how, er, colorful chunks of snake covered her like breaded pork.

"Come on, I'll clean you up." I made my way towards her, trying not to stumble from the sudden lightheaded feeling invading my mind. I sadly didn't practice Egyptian magic as much as I would like to.

"Crystal, look out!" Teddy shouted from behind me.

"Petrificus Totalus!"

I turned around in time to see a tjesu heru freeze in place, its heads poised and ready to strike me. Whoops. I forgot about the rest of them.

"Thanks, Al." I offered him a smile before throwing my wand 'Carter-style'. It bounced off three, er... six heads before returning to my outstretched hand. The snakes fell in a dazed heap. "Dang it, I was going for ten." I muttered under my breath. Albus giggled, obviously having heard me.

The townsfolk were doing quite well. Madam Rosmerta was zapping here and there, occasionally throwing bottles of butterbeer at the ones who dared to lunge at her face; the Honeydukes owner was running here and there, protecting the Hogwarts students as they fled to the train station; Zonko and Weasley products were everywhere, hitting the tjesu herus that made attempts to fly; and Hagrid was doing hand to, er... fang combat.

We must've taken down a hundred of them, but more just kept coming. I had resorted to using my 'wizarding' wand a few snakes ago, seeing as I was much more comfortable using it. 

I had just finished petrifying two more tjesu herus when— Bump. Something hit my back. 'I've been hit!' I thought, turning around in a panic.

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