Chapter 46: We Get a Deadline

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"I still don't understand."

"What, Max?" We were out in the forests of Berk with Hailow, taking a breather after a tough battle against an army of Orcs. Berk was technically a realm under Crystal's watch, but for some reason we couldn't contact her. There had been no word from her since yesterday, when she had given us a clue on the Omnistone.

"Crystal." Max stated. Of course, he'd still be thinking of that. He had the most suspicion on her out of the rest of the D.T.C. Probably a result of being victim to her pranks one too many times. "We've gone through several missions together in the past year, and there was always the possibility of death lingering above us. What secret could be more dangerous than that?"

"This is the multiverse, Max. Anything is possible." Hailow pointed out.

"That shouldn't keep her from telling us. Johnny, Steven and I have been with her since the day she was born." Max said. "Family tells each other stuff."

I snorted. "Where'd you get that line from?"

Max shrugged. "Aunt Ria. She lectured a lot on family togetherness, remember? Must be a Filipino thing."

"And it's starting to rub off on you." I smirked.

"Shut up!"

"Ooh, touchy. And girly too, might I add."

"Hey, that wasn't me!" Max protested.

"Shut up, Lee!" The voice yelled again.

"It's coming from over there." Hailow pointed towards a narrow path flanked by boulders.

We silently made our way to one of the boulders and peeked through the bushes. We had reached the Cove. The cool water looked so refreshing that it made me realize that I hadn't had a drink since coming to Berk. I tried to ignore it and looked on to find Crystal standing in the middle of a broken circle, her back to us.

The circle seemed to be made of scorch marks rather than a groove in the soil. Standing a few feet away from her next to a blackened boulder was Lee, the Zerran from yesterday.

"Come on, Crystal!" Lee exclaimed. "For once, I actually agree with the rest of the team. If you want to stay alive and in control in the Organization, you need to train harder."

"I'm in control! I've survived three months like this, Lee. Surely I can survive a few more."

Hailow made to get up and make his presence known, but Max pulled him back down. "Shh, let's listen first." Of course, he'd see this as an opportunity to learn what Crystal was hiding from us.

Lee snorted. "Right. Benjin told us about the show you put up in his main realm. Kai even dropped the 'everything-is-fine-so-I'm-cool' attitude and told me to make sure you did the exercises given to you."

"Wow. You're listening and agreeing to both Kai and Benjin now? Can I get that in writing?"

"Ha-ha, very funny. You know, I'm still mad at you for that stunt you pulled yesterday. I—" Lee glanced over Crystal's shoulder and locked eyes with me. He had a look of shock, and possibly panic, on his face but it was immediately replaced with the pleasant calmness he had portrayed yesterday at HQ. "D.T.C! Those bushes don't look so comfortable. Why don't you join us out here? There's plenty of er, scorched ground for all of you."

Crystal turned around, a look of surprise on her face. She masked it easily with a frown and crossed her arms. "How long have you been hiding there?"

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