Chapter 41: Will Misery Prevail?

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"Are you sure it's going to work?"

Hailow had just finished explaining the whole plan to me, and I couldn't help but notice a few flaws in it. "So we're each going to take a Knight and lead them towards each other. How are you going to manipulate their speed while you're running?"

"Are you doubting my power, Max?" Hailow asked in a teasing manner, glancing at me with a raised eyebrow before turning back to face the front.

I chuckled nervously, barely noticing the golden glow of Sandy a few meters to my left out of the corner of my eye. "It's not that, Hailow." Another of those weird, silver dog-creatures jumped out of nowhere and I instinctively slashed at it with my Keyblade. It collapsed into a silver blob on the ground and I stepped over it as I continued running. "I'm just saying it seems a little difficult, slowing them down and getting out of the way before immediately making them speed up to leave no time to block each other." I knew Hailow was powerful, but what if he bumped into someone or a Nightmare attacked? We could only see so much in this fog.

"Maybe I can help." A female voice said from my left.

'Great, another girl to guard.' I thought to myself. In the gloom, I was able to make out a teenager with flowing black hair that went past her shoulders and purple 'DJ' clothes. She ran up beside me, her green eyes glinting slightly.

"Beatrice? What are you doing here?" Hailow asked in surprise, his pace slowing down a bit.

"I heard screams after I dropped you off. I couldn't let anything happen to the Ambassador of Symphonia now, could I?" she replied with a grin.

Distracted, I failed to notice the silver creature coming towards me. The canine tackled me to the ground, giving me a close-up look at its ugly, snarling features. Its fangs were bared, shining like diamonds and dripping weird golden liquid. Gold drool, gross. I remained frozen as its pitch black eyes bored into mine and I swear I saw the screaming faces of what was most likely the beast's past victims.

"Begone!" From the corner of my eye, I saw Beatrice take out an obsidian dagger and, as quick as lightning, stab the mutt in the middle. The dog, although it was beginning to resemble more of a tiny wolf now, tensed up and fell sideways with a slight whimper. As it made contact with the ground, it immediately sank into it like quicksand.

"Darn mutt." I muttered as I got up and dusted myself off. My armor had a few wet spots where the thing's drool had splashed on.

"Lupimorti. Nasty creatures that serve the Knights of Black." Beatrice explained with a grimace. "Speaking of which, I expect the Knight of Fear to come by any minute now. Shall I get his attention while you go after Misery?"

"How could you possibly know that?" I frowned. As nice as she was, she was acting like Crystal, being such a pain-in-the-neck know-it-all. Were all Travelers like this?

"Footstep patterns. They're like a beat." She stated as if it explained everything.

I would've argued more had I not heard Danny yelling in outrage. It seemed to come from the left, not far from where we were standing. He sounded in terrible pain, but I could also hear the anger...and the sorrow in his voice. His Keyblade landed with a 'THUD' around three feet in front of me and I felt panic fill my chest. Danny was an honorary member of the family. If anything were to happen to him...

I glanced at Beatrice, hoping my voice didn't sound as panicked as I felt. "Will you be able to find us in the gloom?"

She nodded, sensing the urgency of the situation. "I'm sure."

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