Chapter 20: Eye of the Storm

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"It worked! It worked!" Lazlo exclaimed, jumping for joy before hugging Raj.

"Worked!" Clam echoed.

Raj gave a small smile and put the pouch of reversed dream sand under a chair. "So what are you swimming for?"

"The amethyst for the Omnistone." Crystal replied.

"Hang on." I said. "How can you be so sure that it's the amethyst?"

Crystal snapped her fingers and pointed at the screen. An image of a storm out in the ocean appeared. "I borrowed the memory from a star in Arendelle." She snapped her fingers again and the image began to move.

The ship of the king and queen appeared over the wave. Crystal zoomed in on the ship and the king could be seen helping the crew. The queen came out and talked to the king. The king reached into his pocket and handed something small to her. He kissed her forehead and the queen ran back inside the cabin, hesitating by the door. She didn't stop for long, but it was long enough for us to see what the king gave her. A shining purple gem. An amethyst.

Crystal zoomed out just as a wave crashed down on the ship. The ship never resurfaced. The image froze in place and Crystal pointed to a spot near where the wave crashed down. "Look. Apparently the storm wasn't of natural cause."

It was hard to identify what she was pointing at for it was a little blurred, but there was no mistaking that black Keyblade. "Xehanort." Steven growled, confirming my suspicions.

"Yup, and he knew about the properties of the amethyst too." Crystal tossed a battered notebook with a faded blue cover to Steven. "Page thirty-five."

I looked over Steven's shoulder as he opened it up and read out loud:

'I have finally found the healing stone. It is very peculiar that it is in the form of an amethyst since it came from a drop of sun. Right now, it is in possession of the royal family of Arendelle. They plan to take it to Corona as a wedding present, a waste in my opinion. I plan to take it during their trip, by force if I have to. Soon, I will be invincible!'

" How'd Xehanort get to the Frozen realm?" I asked, looking up from the yellowed pages of the notebook.

"Dimension surge, maybe?" Danny suggested.

"Did he get the stone?" Hailow asked.

"I'm not sure. All the stars looked away after the ship sank. If he wasn't able to get the amethyst before the ship sank, it's highly possible that he dove down to retrieve it." Crystal replied.

"But look here," Steven held the notebook up. "He said 'I will take it by force IF necessary' which means that he must've talked to the king and queen first. Obviously, they refused. But, the point is they knew he was after the amethyst. The queen could've hidden it in a secret compartment somewhere in the cabin."

"Hmm... maybe. So we'll—" Crystal momentarily closed her eyes as she stopped mid-sentence. "So you'll go explore the shipwreck and see what you'll find."

"Wait, what? You're not coming?" Danny asked, looking stunned. He had a good reason. Crystal never missed an opportunity to go on a mission with us to 'kick our sorry behinds'.

"Sorry. I, uh, have Traveler business."

I narrowed my eyes at her. "Really? That's odd; you usually have a long mental conversation with a Traveler before missions."

"They decided to debrief in the Traveler realm." I looked at her weirdly. "Are you okay, Max? Maybe you should see a doctor." She reached for my forehead.

I swatted her hand aside. "I'm perfectly fine, thanks." Crystal smirked and walked through her portal on the wall. "She's lying." I stated, looking at Steven. But he wasn't in his seat.

I turned around to find him tinkering with his DW-Generator. "Come on. The sooner we get there, the faster we can meet back up with Crystal."

My mouth dropped open. "You're not concerned?"

Steven sighed. "Come on, Max. We have to accept the fact that Crystal's growing up. She'll be eighteen in three months. You know how secretive teenagers can get, especially girls."

I slapped my forehead, a long and complicated comeback forming in my mind. It'll have to wait though. Steven was right. The sooner we left, the sooner I could interrogate Crystal.

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