Chapter 44: Traveler Vision, Not Television

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A/N: If you haven't read Heroes of Olympus yet and are planning to very soon, I have to warn you that there are certain spoilers here. Also, I don't own the characters from the 2015 Cinderella movie. Enjoy!


"Do they treat you well?" A blonde maiden piped up from down below.

"Better than I deserve, most likely." The dark-haired 'prentice replied, pulling on the reins of his steed. "And you?"

"They treat me as well as they're able." The maiden's horse nickered, as if agreeing to its rider's statement.

Cue the pity sentence. "I'm sorry."

Followed by the protest and shy smile. "It's not your doing."

Then the guy's cheer-up line. "Not yours either, I'll bet."

"It's not so very bad. Others... others have it worse, I'm sure."

I couldn't help but snort and mutter to myself quietly. "You have no idea, Ella."

I was hanging upside-down from a low tree branch nearby, listening to the two lovebirds converse. Obviously, they had no idea I was there. Traveler duty? Not exactly.

After performing the assigned training exercises, my commanding Traveler suggested I go for a stand-by. This means that I could take a break but be ready to be called back anytime soon. However, it was not the 'eat-drink-and-sleep' kind of break, but the 'continue-your-normal-duties-yet-don't-push-too-hard' kind. So here I was, watching the Cinderella movie 3D-style.

Let me explain this to you as simple as possible. When a new movie or book realm is formed, it gets a place in the multiverse. Once it's over, the realm carries on with its timeline as long as people remember it. However, a duplicate realm appears beside it, where the movie or the book replays over and over again for new Travelers to go on test-runs. Disoriented? So was I, but in the multiverse you just roll with it.

When I explained this to Steven, he was... huh. No, I think I was talking to Johnny that time. Yes, we were chasing a frost monster from Jotunheim when the subject came up. He probably told Steven and the others anyway. But I digress.

Coming out of my thoughts, I tuned in on Ella and Kit's conversation once more.

"I will."

"Thank you very much, Mr. Kit."

The sound of three other horses reached my ears. "There you are, Your High—"

"It's Kit! Kit! Kit! I'm Kit." 'Kit' yelled to his Captain in a panic. "I'm on my way."

"Well, we'd better get a move on," The Captain replied in an amused tone. "Mr. Kit."

"As I said," I murmured in unison with Kit. "On my way."


"What the—" My com-link caught me off guard and I lost my hold on the tree branch. Aw, no. Gravity tugged me down closer and clo— 'THUD!' I underestimated my distance from the leaf-covered ground.

A groan escaped my lips as I tried to roll onto my side, my back aching from the fall's impact.

"What was that?" I heard Ella's voice get closer. This is not what I needed right now.

With slight difficulty, I slammed my com-link on the ground and activated the invisibility shield.

I heard a horse gallop in my direction. "There's nothing here." Kit said about a yard from my head. I thought of making squirrel sounds, but with my luck it'd sound like Baymax with holes in his arms. So, I decided to remain silent. It was a good choice, as a few moments later Kit went back to the script. "I hope to see you again, miss."

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