Chapter 24: Meet Kai and Shay

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Crystal bursts in through a portal. "Yes! We got the amethyst! ... You know? Oh no, you mind-traveled, didn't you? ... Don't lie to me. Did you forget that I can read minds?" Her words begin to fade in and out and your vision goes blurry. "I— cifically— old— not to. Hey— you—? —okay? Hey—Hey!"

Crystal completely disappears as you succumb to darkness.


'been a week!'

 'Morphix surfboard!'

 'Which pets' address'

 'The aqua'

 'Naturellemont, the Aristo'


'Wake up.'



'What's that weird beeping sound?'

Listening even further, you hear a faint voice speaking.

"He did what? Can't you handle it? ... I'm in the hospital, Steven."

Hospital? How on Earth did you end up here?

"Yes, I'm visiting again. It's been two whole months since it happened. You can't expect me to relax... No, I'm not exactly blaming myself, but this mortal is my responsibility out in the multiverse... Fine, I'll be there in a few minutes... Crystal out."


"I know you're awake."

You open your eyes and find yourself in a sky blue room on a bed. Crystal is standing on the side opposite the door.

"You've been in a coma for two months. Two! I told you not to mind-travel. Why didn't you listen? Wait, never mind. Keep your lamely cooked up excuse. I'm just glad you're up now... Unfortunately you missed out on a lot. We found the aquamarine and diamond last month. Steven's in Emerald City right now. Apparently, Oz is in possession of the emerald we require. I was on the phone with Steven just now. Oz seems to be under a chaos spell. Do not mind-travel just yet. I repeat, do not mind-travel. You're still weak in terms of mental stamina. Thankfully, your physical stamina wasn't affected... Just so you know, the aquamarine was found in the Winx Club realm in Andros and the diamond was found in The Aristocats realm. It was a bit weird going through realms of my childhood..."

The door opens and two of your friends come in. You look at them in alarm but when you look back at Crystal, she's gone.

"You're awake! What happened to you?"

It's going to be a long day.


You're asleep in your own bed. Thankfully you've been discharged from the hospital already. Suddenly, a bright light flashes behind your closed eyelids. Looking at your alarm clock, it says '1:26 am'. What was that light?

"Remain calm." There's a man at the foot of your bed. He has black hair and looks like he's in his early twenties. He's wearing a gray shirt and jeans underneath a white hooded cloak that has intricate black designs on the edges.

"We've been sent here by Crystal Rockwell." A woman steps out from behind the man. She has black, waist-length hair and looks just like the man, from his clothes to his facial features to his age.

You panic at first but calm down at the mention of Crystal's name.

"We're here to check your stamina." The man says. He touches your forehead in the same manner Crystal does for three whole seconds then opens his palm. The woman blocks it from view. After a few moments, she looks at you.

"You're safe to mind-travel now." She announces then mutters, "Why Crystal bothers with this mortal, I will never know."

"Shayera!" the man snaps. "You know how much Crystal still believes in the people of Earth. Respect her choices!"

"Hey, chill out guys!" Crystal appears beside them. "Kai, Shay, you're going to scare my friend here."

The man, Kai, grimaces. "Please, Crystal."

"What? I didn't even use your full name Mal—" Kai gives her a look. "Okay, okay, geez. You tell me not to use your true name in public but get mad when I use a nickname. Make up your mind." Crystal turns to you. "Take it easy on the mind-traveling, okay? You may not be so fortunate next time."

The girl, Shayera, smirks. "Who's scaring the mortal now?"

"Shut it, Shayera."Crystal mutters, pushing them through a portal. "Goodbye! I'd give a proper introduction, but we must get going now."

A/N: So, Kai and Shayera are two more of my OCs. Yes, they belong to me. You may see them again soon. You all now know that Shay is short for Shayera... any guesses as to what Kai's true name is? We'll find out soon.

What do you think about the coma? Well.... it was necessary for the story. See you all soon in the next chapter, folks!

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