Chapter 17: Amazon Encounter

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"Eugene!" Without thinking, I used my magic to go straight through the door. Whoops. I wasn't supposed to show them that.

Putting that thought aside, I ran towards the courtyard. Eugene was tied up against a tree. Rapunzel was on the floor, unconscious.

"Eugene, what happened here? Who did this?" I asked, reaching for the ropes.

"There was this lady. She came out of nowhere! Wore a weird outfit with stars. Maximus pointed a frying pan at her, being protective and all, but she sent him flying and tied me up against this tree." He explained.

I pulled at the ropes and they glowed yellow. Wait, that means—

"Diana?" Hailow asked incredulously.

I turned to see that Wonder Woman had a dagger against Steven's chest. She slowly lowered it, recognizing us. A fierce gleam was slowly fading from her eyes.

"What are you doing here?" Diana asked, walking towards me. The D.T.C followed her.

"As you can see, trying to rescue our friends." I replied, giving Eugene's bonds one last useless tug.

Diana looked at the ex-thief as if seeing him for the first time. "Who did this to you?"

"Uh, you did. Then you made my wife unconscious!" Eugene exclaimed.

Diana looked at Rapunzel. "I have never seen you two before."

"This is getting confusing." I muttered. I touched Eugene's forehead and searched for the memory of the event.


Diana appeared through a portal, eyes glowing red. Maximus stepped in front of Rapunzel, brandishing a frying pan. Using her lasso, she threw Max over the wall. Then she pressed a cloth to Rapunzel's face, making her unconscious. Eugene was nearby, speaking to Steven through the communicator. "We need your" Diana threw her lasso around him. "HEEEEELP!"


I looked at Steven. "Red's signature chaos control charm."

Steven nodded grimly. "Of course."

"What's going on, Crystal?" Diana asked.

"You were controlled by an enemy of ours." I replied.

Diana's eyes widened and she began to remove the lasso around Eugene. "My apologies, sir. I'll teach that person not to mess with me. Where is he?" she asked, turning to me.

"Focus on protecting your home, Diana. We have a plan to defeat him." Danny said.


"You can help by making sure he does not attack your home." I told her. "You can't defend it if you're not there, can you?"

"I guess not." Diana replied, giving me a hug. "Be safe."

I created a portal for her and she stepped through. Maximus appeared as soon as the portal closed. He was dripping wet and he looked exhausted.

"It's alright, Max. Nothing's wrong." I patted his head reassuringly.

"Hm? I'm fine, Crystal." Cousin Max said, playing with his watch.

"I was talking to the horse, Maxie."

"Oh. I knew that."

Meanwhile, Eugene had gone straight to Rapunzel as soon as he was untied. She was already regaining consciousness. Breathing a sigh of relief, Eugene turned to me. "Who was that?"

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